Sameera Agarwal a telugu girl who was a rude and meanest one who never wants to fall in love because of a past heart break gets tied with Aadir chopra the telugu guy who was a successful young CEO and also cold devilishly handsome man who ne...
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Today is my birthday the worst birthday ever I'll never forget this one. There my friends rishi and kruthi are calling "Areey Sam how can you be late on your own birthday party ? It's your day enjoy" kruthi said " enjoy ? You really think I can enjoy this party? " . "What happened Sam ? " Rishi asked with concern. "This party isn't about me . " I said " Then for whome ? " Kruthi and rishi asked at the same time " My father fixed a marriage for me without knowing me " I said with a sadness in my tone " Whattttt !!! " They were shocked i know. At that time my mother was calling me and I had to go leaving them in their shock.
"What maa ? " I asked my mom " Groom family came you should meet them " my mom said . " If they comes then why should I come ?" " Coz you're the bride Sameera " my mom said .
The groom family arrived . They're coming towards us , my father and my family also came . They came and I greeted them , they too greeted me in return by saying " today you're so beautiful " a compliment from his mother . But still I don't know the groom face here two men are there the right one with a cold face and left one with a sunshine face . Maybe the sunshine one is the groom he seems like my age so I said suddenly" I need to talk to the groom". And went near that sunshine one , grabbed his hand pulling him with me and his eyes widened . " B-B-bhabi it's not me... I'm not the groom" and my footsteps halted there itself. And I looked behind all are laughing and some of them are stopping their laugh and I looked at sunshine one " b-bhabi see there one cold guy is there naa... he's your soon to be husband not me " he said and I leaved his hand . It was embarrassing but I didn't showed that in my face , I went near my family " stop laughing I was just mistaken" , all stopped laughing , I went near that cold guy I know him he's the famous Aadir Chopra and the heir of their company bcoz of his looks and smartness the company range has increased too much in a little time do I give a fvck ? No ! . And I saw him and whispered "what are you watching ?drama ? Come ?" he looked at me like he's annoyed but do I give a shit No !... he's still standing there "Hello here I'm talking with you only ! Will you come or should I take you myself ? "... He rolled his eyes in annoyance and started following me .
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I'm following her and she took me into a room there is no one only us. " I don't like to marry you " she said as if I want to marry her. "Neither I don't want to" I said. " That's good tell your parents that you're not interested in this marriage and tell them to cancel it " does she have a brain ? As if they'll listen to me " Why don't you say this to your parents? " I said coldly . " They'll be hurt " she said and wtf don't I have parents and don't they have hearts ? Don't they feel hurt ! For sure this girl is a dumb " I too have parents keep in mind " I said kinda harshly and for my reply she glared at me . Wtf how dare she glare at me like that no one has ever dared to glare at me like that . " Lower your eyes " I said calmly " I won't" she said rudely and that made me get angry " I said lower your eyes !!!! " " And I said I don't want to " she replied with same tone as me . Argh this girl is getting on my nerves and when I was about to say someone interuppted saying " Sam let's it's time cut your cake later you both can carry on " she said giggling...wtf is wrong with her ?. And this girl is about to go before she goes she turned to me " This is Sameera Agarwal . Hope you can handle me in the future " she said with a smirk which I didn't like... " This is Aadir chopra . I had a lot of money to feed animals " I said with same tone as her " Yeah that's why you're feeding yourself I understand " she said and went , that hits me to the realisation and the anger built up inside me . I went outside with a large steps and there also the girls aren't leaving me arghhhhh...
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The day before Sameera birthday at night: My parents called me to come home fastly and I don't know why but something feels off like something's big gonna happen to me and I went and there all my family members are sitting there . I went and hugged my father , kissed my mom and sat beside my bhabi and brother. " So what's it you called me urgently?" I asked "T-that " my mother was fidgetting with her fingers . My guess is right something's off " Don't hesitate maa just tell me " I said calmly And I looked at my brother he seems disappointed " You're going to get married " my father said without any hesitation as it's a normal thing " Nice joke dad . " I said with a fake laugh " He's not joking Sam " my bhabi said with sad tone " Wtf dad ? Are you serious? " I said with an angry tone " Yes Sameera once listen to me " he said " I don't want to get married and I'm not listening to you this time " I said with rude tone " Sameera this deal is very important to our family beta please understand please do this for your father sake " he said " WTH you're marrying me just for this fucking filthy deal ? " I said with anger almost screaming " This is very important to our company Sameera please understand" he said " You're very selfish dad . You always think about your company not once you thought about me that how I'll feel " tears formed in my eyes . And I looked helplessly at my brother direction but he bow down his head with sadness " Brother you're not gonna say anything?" I asked him while crying " I tried Sam but he isn't listening to me " he said in a defeat tone " I already gave promise Sam and please don't take our pride away " my father said in a defeat tone and I can't see him in sadness and " Ok I'll do it and thnq so much for your big surprise birthday gift to me I'll never forget this " I said ran to my room and cried I don't know why but I felt like no one cares for me only they care is MONEY .
I have murdered my cake and gave toast to all the guests they're all enjoying the party and some of my relatives came and wished me , blessed me and that my fucking groom is at a corner drinking his wine without even looking at my direction....how can I even live my future life with him if he's like this arghh...
The party came to an end and all the guests went today bcoz of my disappointment I didn't even spend my time with my besties arghhh I should have been with them uff... And here all my and his family members sat including my friends. They're all discussing about business at frst and later they started discussing about our marriage and I'm not interested , I'm talking with my friends until they said this . " You guys marriage will be held in a week "
Hey guys , How's the chapter ? Hope you guys like it and tell me your opinions in the comment section.My apologises if there is any grammatical mistakes Thank you !