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So here the sangeet was started , since I'm I was roaming here and there , the photographer and videographers are in their work , they're taking videos of me , actually I don't like this marriage but I shouldn't miss my own fun just because I don'...

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So here the sangeet was started , since I'm I was roaming here and there , the photographer and videographers are in their work , they're taking videos of me , actually I don't like this marriage but I shouldn't miss my own fun just because I don't like this , so I'll enjoy this marriage vibe but that doesn't mean I like that asshole ! , that's when someone came and shouted at my ear " I'm hereeeeeee " I turned around , gosh she's noisy ! "Hey kiddo" I said " I'm not a kiddo , I'm shruthi gopal okay ?!" She rolled her eyes , forgotten to tell you this , this girl is the girl who touched aadir inappropriately , yeah we became friends , I don't know why but I'm attracted to her so easily , that's why I even gave her my personal number which I didn't gave anyone like I gave her ! , this girl is giving me sister vibes ! Since I had no sister , I'm feeling her like a sister maybe , that's when Aadir came Asking
" Why she's here ?" I gave a disgusting look to him , how can he ask like that when she's infront of him ! " None of your bussiness" I said " Sameera called me , don't worry I ain't here to stalk you
Mr. Aadir Varma, I'm a fan that doesn't mean I'll invade your privacy , I'm here just because sameera invited me , also it's a total misunderstanding" she said goshh , that's my girl , I gave a proud smirk looking towards him , he just rolled off his eyes , that's when kruthika and rishi entered here " hey guys " they both said,
Looking kruthika I was remembering aadir cause did she said yes to him ? Or rejected him , " hey" I said , " You're kruthika right ! And you're rishi ryt ?! Goshhh you're the one she said to me yesterday whole nyt, I've heard a lot about you both from Sameera" she said excitingly , goshh she's cuteee , " really okay tell us what she said then" rishi said , " tbh , rishi you're super handsome than Aadir , you're my type" wtf ! That's when rishi started coughing , I rubbed his back saying " cool down it's just a compliment , but even I agree with her " and looked towards Aadir , whose face was red due to anger , "I think someone ego was hurt" I said laughing, later kruthika rishi took shruthi somewhere saying they had something to talk to her , I turned around facing him
" Will you stand here or will you come ?" I questioned him , " it's none of your bussiness" he said coldly with some kinda disappointed tone , but he's forgetting that this is his marriage which is mine too "okay then" I turned around but tripped on my lehenga bottom , fuck these lehengas I don't know where I got this bloody tripping disease cause everytime I fall this man will be there and was going to fall down but some strong hands snaked on my waist , catching me safely ,his hands are as strong as some kind of pillars , his hand muscles are touching my bare waist, his finger wrapped around my belly, goosebumps aroused my whole body
"See these are the consequences for your attitude, or perhaps are you falling down on purposely just to take my attention?" He said making it look like sarcastic , listening his voice I realised that he protected me from falling down , just then I opened my eyes , there his handsome face has bloody playing smirk on it "In your dreams" I said " if you're in my dreams , I'll die than sleeping" he said "then I'll definitely come only to see you dead" I said " now will you leave me ? I've to go" as I was about to get up
My hair stuck on his button "arghhh" I groaned in pain , all Bollywood or tollywood scenes are happening with me today , why God why Krishna why ? he saw and laughed not so hardly but lightly like a chuckle , but I can guess that he's laughing hard in his inner self , but I can really live my life just by seeing his laugh , I was indulged in his laugh admiring it , he saw me and stopped laughing, he faked coughed , I regained my consciousness "help me with this " I said trying to take , he held my hand , this fucking butterflies errupted in my stomach , but I shouldn't be doing this when he's interested in my friend, he kept my hands aside and started removing my hair , he looked into my eyes while removing , that's a look I never saw in his face , his eyes orbs are as deep as ocean , nothing can be seen in his eyes until he allows it , but today I was seeing another look which isn't a rude or coldy look , he removed my hair and I stood up straightly and turned around, started walking and walking but I'm feeling like my duppata was pulling by somebody "Aadir what's wrong with you ? Leave my duppata" I said , but still I'm walking "Aadir ! Leave it" I said but still no reply that's when I observed the surroundings , all are taking pics and videos of us , some are laughing mainly our parents are in shock, which made me confused , I turned around and only to get shocked , there Aadir was trailing behind me ! That's when I got it , my fucking dupatta was stucked in his watch !Did I - did I really thought that aadir was pulling my duppata and I shouted on him ? When he isn't in the fault ? Goshhh it's embarrassing as hell !!! Now I really wanted dig myself in the ground
Arghhh krishnaaa , save me please, all eyes are on us , I'm trying to take my duppata but if I keep more force , my duppatta will tear , so I held his hand taking him to the nearest empty room !

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