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HE WAS DEAD. The demon slayer who had foolishly attempted to attack the Demon Princess and the Uppermoon 6 was broken beyond repair. His body was black and blue and his face, well, it was unrecognizable.

"He tastes as foul as he looks," Gyutaro laughed scornfully, spitting the blood out of his mouth, "But he had some interesting techniques."

"What were his last words?" Asuna hummed, "'Shinobu-san', was it? She must have been the one to distribute the wisteria poison."

The demoness leaned back in her chair with her nail to her lip as she wiped the blood from it.

"Either way it makes him taste wretched," the uppermoon scoffed, putting his sickles away before making his way to her.

He slowly began to walk around her, his eyes observing the princess as she sat in thought. Now he truly had a chance to look at her— to see her silky effervescent hair, her sharp scarlet eyes, and her cherry red lips. Those luscious lips, the ones that seemed awfully plump and... kissable.

His hand began to play with her hair as he continued to admire her figure, his eyes trailing down her shoulders. They were so refined, like the rest of her body, as were her curves that he knew she used to captivate all her suitors.

Gyutaro had seen many women, both ugly and beautiful. He had lived in the Entertainment District for all his life, and after becoming a demon, he could see just how beautiful they looked on the inside as he feasted upon them.

He envied beauty. Other than his sister, he absolutely despised the fortunate. How could they possibly live so lavishly? It irritated him to no end. Yet here stood a woman, one that had every other uppermoon wrapped around her pretty finger, with powers on par to his, and a figure women could only dream of.

She was everything he hated.

And she was in his hands, so close to where he could feel her heartbeat.

His gaze landed on her lips. He certainly couldn't forget about her voice. The way her voice was the exact opposite of his, one that was terrifying yet sensually arousing all the same.

And she knew it very well.

A protector.

That's what her sweet honeyed tongue conveyed she needed. She needed a guard, somebody to rely on. The one demon he found beautiful who wasn't his sister said she needed him.

What a fool he was, feeling butterflies.

He felt a hand touch his face, and only then he realized his face was wet. A tear had slipped before he was able to register it. She looked up at him, without an ounce of disgust or pity in her eyes.

Asuna then brought her hand down slowly, followed by Gyutaro reaching to grab it. She said nothing as he brought it back to his face, slowly letting his other hand run down her arm.

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