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Taehyung pov:-

"Where the hell is he??" Yoongi said while tapping his foot impatiently on the floor.

We all gathered outside my house to go for star gazing as we promised to jimin. We are waiting for Hoseok. It's 11:20 PM already and not even his shadow is visible in sight. The meteor shower will start at 1:00 AM sharp and Jimin is saying it will take almost 1hr to reach the destination.

"Maybe we should try calling him??" Jungkook said while shrugging.

Namjoon face palmed. "Why didn't this came to my mind before?? Ugh I'm really dumb." He said while fishing his pocket for his phone.

Everyone sighed. Why?? This was as simple as that.

"Put it in speaker." I ordered while packing my bag. Well my bag is full of snacks, a torch and a compass as we shouldn't get lost. Getting lost and losing our belongings is our most favourite job.

Hoseok picked up the phone. "Hello..." He said in a sleepy, husky tone. Did he sleep or what??

"Yah hyung where are you??" Jungkook said, who is peeking from behind Namjoon's shoulder. Others gathered around the small, rectangular device to hear clearly.

"At home of course?" He said, still in a gloomy tone.

"Hobi hyung did you forget that we are going for star gazing? You are coming right??" Jimin said as he grabbed the phone from Namjoon's hand.

"Star gazing??" There was a pause on the other side. Then an aggressive loud thud was heard. Maybe he fell from his bed?

"Hyung are you okay?" I asked shifting my gaze from one person to other. I grabbed the phone from Jimin's hand to hear properly.


"Hoseok-aa??" Seokjin said as concern started growing in each one of us.

"Yes, yes I'm alive and i will be there in 5 minutes, you guys go ahead and just send me the location." He said while in background i can hear hurried foot steps.

Jungkook was so close to burst in laughter. Jimin was already giggling and his head was rested on my shoulder.

"No we will wait for you. You will get lost! And it's dark there...." Seokjin said in a very scary tone which only Hobi hyung will find scary. We all lost it here and started laughing hard.

Jimin almost disappeared from our view as he fell in the soft, green, freshly trimmed grass. Jungkook was leaning on Namjoon for support as he is laughing hard. Others are already holding their stomach. My face muscles are already paining due to too much laughing. Seokjin was on half crying- half laughing phase. Our laughter was echoing all way through the dimly lit street. It was late and not a single soul was visible except us.

"Heyy stop making fun of me!!! I'm on my way and I'm bringing my telescope with me." He said, now his voice much steady and clear. We all gathered ourselves and started preparing for the walk.


Hobi hyung came much earlier than we expected. After some beating and attacking him we started to walk in the forest. It was pretty dark and our torches were not helping us at all. Its been 20 minutes we are walking. Voices of random creatures were echoing through the dark, empty forest. Sound of dry leaves crackling underneath our feet was so loud it felt like i stepped on a nuclear bomb. Hobi hyung was already chanting something in fear. Jungkook was holding my hand tight as if he will let me go i will just fade away. Jimin was the only one who is normal. He is leading the way.

"Wait, wait!! Guys it's too dark, i think we should go home..." I said, feeling uneasy out of sudden. Everyone stopped.

It was complete silence.

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