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The Great Hall looked around in bewilderment. The tall doors swung open and striding in, came the Malfoys, the Lestranges, the Weasleys, the Lupin-Blacks and, to everyone's surprise, the Potters.

It had been the Halloween Feast during the Trio's fifth year but it was oddly dull. Usually feasts were when the Hall was alive, colourful and full of excited buzzing. This year, however, it had followed terrible news of the Dark Lord's return.

'Mum? Dad? Sirius?' Harry questioned quietly, blinking a few times, not sure if this was all just a dream.

'Hello, Harry.' Lily said, smiling. Harry ran towards her, as did many other students to their parents.

Bella Lestrange strutted right past the house tables and up to the staff table so she was stood in front of the Headmaster.

'Explain, Dumbles' she threw a folded piece of paper onto the table in between the two. 'Who is S.S?' She shot a suspicious glare at Snape, who just frowned back, as confused as she was.

Dumbledore carefully opened up the letter and read it, his eyes darting left and right as though he was watching a sped up tennis match.

'I can assure you,' he looked up at Bellatrix, folding the letter. 'that I have received no information about this entire ordeal. However, according to this letter, I believe we may have some more guests arriving soon.'

The attention of the Great Hall was taken off the wizarding families and, instead, focused on a loud crack near the Slytherin table. An orange flash appeared and disappeared in a matter of seconds and what was left on the floor beneath it was a pile of people, all confused and yelling at each other.

A sixth-year girl in Slytherin was calmly walking towards them, in contrast to the rest of the Hall that was watching, wands raised and still as stone.

'What the fuck is this?' A man exclaimed. He had brown hair and strange moustache and beard.

'Language!' Another man yelled. Some muggle-borns gasped when they saw the man's face, which was clean shaven, with blue eyes and blonde hair.

'Shut it, Cap!' A woman with dark red hair was the only one to land on her feet, in a fighting pose.

The Slytherin girl rolled her eyes and greeted the woman. 'Still a poser?' She teased with a smirk.

'Still annoying?' The lady retaliated.

'Good to see you, dumb fuck.'

'I missed you, weird bitch.'

They hugged, smiling and people in the Hall lowered their wands, not sure what to do.

'Ok, what's going on here?' The brown-haired man stood up and stared around him.

'Well this is weird.'

'You all wanna get up?' she addressed the rest of the team.

They all got to their feet while Sabrina walked over to her friends, Harry Ron and Hermione.

Harry was sitting next to his parents, Hermione and Ron opposite him. 'You know them?' He asked, still elated by his parents' presence.

Sabrina gave a small smile and replied, 'Yeah. Pretty much family.'

Ron was still staring at the odd group. A tall guy with long, blonde hair and a cape was talking to Dumbledore about growing a beard. 'Who even are they? And why is there a group of random muggles here?' The man with the cape was now showing off his hammer to a group of second-year Ravenclaws.

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