Chapter One: Emergency

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The siren wailed as the ambulance pulled into the hospital parking lot. Inside, the paramedics rushed a man out of the back of the vehicle and into the emergency room. Nurses and doctors raced to meet them and a hush fell over the waiting room. No one knew what was happening but they could feel the tension in the air.

In the ER(emergency room) the doctors and nurses worked frantically to try to save the man's life. They shouted orders back and forth , grabbing medical supplies and hooking up machines. The family members watched from the waiting room,their hearts pounding in their chests, all lost in their own thoughts.

After several hours, the doctor emerged from the ER, they all rushed towards him worry boldly scripted on their faces. "What happened to him..,say something!" were the words of my panicked mother. The doctor let out a sigh,"you must be his wife,come with me"he said walking away gracefully my mum hastily followed behind stream of thoughts running through her head. She needed to know his status, was he alive? Tears rolled down her face as she thought.

What will happen to her girls. God please he needed to alive. She prayed silently. They got to the doctor's office and he gestured her to seat. She glared at him,sitting opposite him. She opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it. As if he read her thoughts, he said in a calm voice," your husband is alive and is currently under medical observation but he's unconscious" mum let out a sigh of relief. At least he's alive " well can i see him?" She asked staring at the doctor in anticipation. "Not yet, he's not in a good condition and that brings us to why I sought your presence. We need to perform a surgery..," he paused studying her expression. When he saw that she didn't react, he continued.

"He has been diagnosed with intestinal obstruction and in order to save him, the surgery must be performed soonest. Our supplies will not sustain him for long" the old doctor explained calmly. Mum stared at him tears rolling down her face " will he survive?" She suddenly asked. "Hopefully, yes. It's a major surgery but let's hope it goes well. Even as a doctor, I'll advise you don't just depend on the doctor" and with that he ransacked his file and brought out a white sheet of paper.

"What's that?" She asked scrutinizing the paper. "The consent form for the surgery. Since you are his next of kin, it is legal that you are most suitable to sign it. Once you sign it you have given your..." "I understand, hand it over" she signed the consent form without delay. She had to save her husband at all cost. "You made the right choice, the gastroenterologist will be here in a few minutes. Since it's a major and rare surgery, I cannot perform the surgery so it requires a specialist and luckily Dr. Albert is in town for a few days.

In the meantime, the hospital will sustain him with an oxygen before the doctor's arrival. Thanks for your cooperation ma'am. You may leave." Mom nodded thankfully and left. There was nothing she could do other than turn to her maker.

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