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In the south of Astoria, there was the beautiful land of Rosenia. The lush gardens and rolling hills were dotted with flowers and trees. The air was filled with the sweet scent of roses, and many different types of birds were singing. The river was clean and clear, and it flowed through the land like sparkling crystal. The people of Rosenia lived in harmony with each other and with nature, and it was a land of peace and beauty.

Princess Anna loves her sister Sophia dearly and is very protective of her. She is nineteen years old and has a feeling that her parents are going to marry her off soon, which makes her anxious and nervous. Anna knows that she will be expected to make an heir and carry on the family name, but she feels pressured to find "the one." Anna has been very sheltered and hasn't been given the opportunity to explore the world beyond her kingdom's walls. As she walked through the garden, she could feel the breeze through her blonde hair as she took deep breaths, taking in the rich scents of roses and feeling the sunshine on her skin. The garden was a place she had always known and felt at ease in, and she enjoyed the quietness and peace of being here. Anna's dress was made from pure silk and lace, with sleeves that were loose around her slender arms. The bodice was fitted tightly to her frame and fastened with golden buttons. Her dress had a square neckline, which allowed her to show off her swan-like neck. Anna's skin was fair and free of blemishes, and her blonde hair was curled just below her shoulders in soft waves. She wore a small hat on top of her head, which was adorned with a small pink rose. On top of her shoulder was a pearl necklace, which had a small ruby pendant in the middle.

As she walked, her feet made an almost silent noise. The ground was green and lush, and it was covered with fresh grass. Her elegant heels clicked as she walked along the soft earth.

As she walked, she heard a familiar voice call her name, and she turned her head to see her lady in waiting. Alina "Yes, Alina?" said Anna as she turned to look at her lady in waiting. The lady curtsied politely and looked at her with her olive-toned skin and brown eyes. "Princess," she said, "your mother wishes to see you." "Mother?" That is odd. she thought. Anna had a strong bond with her mother and was close to her, but it was unusual for her to ask to see her alone without the presence of her father. Anna took a deep breath and smiled. "Very well, I shall go to her." "Of course, your highness," Alina said with a dip of her head. The two women then began to walk towards the royal chambers.

The two women walked through the gardens, past the sparkling fountains, and up the marble steps that led into the palace. They continued through the corridors, past the murals. that decorated the walls, and finally arrived at the doors to the queen's chambers. As they approached the doors to the queen's chambers, Alina touched Princess Anna's hand for comfort. "Don't worry, your highness," she said softly. "Your mother just wants to speak to you; I'm sure everything will be fine." Princess Anna felt reassured by Alina's touch. She had always been close to her lady-in-waiting,who had been there for her throughout her entire life. "Thank you," she said, giving Alina's hand a squeeze.

Alina knocked on the grand entrance of the queen's chamber, and the door was quickly pulled open by a servant. "Princess Anna is here," she said, and the servant opened the door wide enough for her and Anna to enter. Once they were inside, Alina was asked to wait outside as the queen greeted her daughter. The queen's chamber was full of luxuries and decorations, filled with soft couches and elegant chairs. The walls were decorated with beautiful paintings, and light poured through the many windows of the room, illuminating the rich fabrics and furniture. The queen often spent her time here entertaining noble ladies for tea or having embroidery sessions with her ladies-in-waiting. As Princess Anna entered her mother's chamber, she quickly asked, "Mother? Is something wrong?" Her mother, Queen Eleanor, looked up from her embroidery and smiled. "Oh, dear," she said, "nothing is wrong." The queen motioned for her daughter to come sit next to her. Queen Eleanor is an elegant and regal woman. Her hair is a soft blonde and is swept up into an elaborate updo. Her eyes are a bright blue, and her skin is fair and tanned. She is dressed in a rich gown of silk and velvet with an intricately embroidered pattern of flowers. Anna walked over to her mother's side, moving her dress up as she did. She sat down next to the queen. The queen sighed, setting down her needlework, and turned to look at her daughter. "Dear," she said softly, "me and your father have been discussing something very important, and we need to speak with you about it." Anna felt a wave of worry wash over her as she heard her mother's words. She had an idea of what her parents were going to reveal to her, and she was not looking forward to it. Anna looked down at her hands, focusing on her long, slender fingers and the jewelled ring that she wore on one of them. She felt the stone digging into her skin, and she slowly moved her thumb back and forth over the cold metal. "Anna," she said softly, "as you know, you have reached a certain age, and now it is time for you to fulfil your duties as a princess and future queen. Your father and I have been discussing the matter of your marriage, and we have decided on a match that we hope will be suited to you." The queen continued, "We had planned to marry you off when you turned seventeen, but Sophia was against the idea." The queen took a moment to look at Anna, who was waiting patiently to hear the name of the man her parents had chosen. "His name is Prince William, and he is the son of King Harold of the neighbouring

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