I'm sorry

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As the night passed by, Ruhani remained steadfastly by Rudra's side, her eyes fixated on him as if willing him to wake up. The hours ticked by, the room filled with the steady hum of equipment and the quiet sounds of their breaths, filling the air with a mix of hope and anxiety.

Each passing minute felt like an eternity to Ruhani, the fear of the unknown weighing heavily upon her.


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"Ruhani... Atleast drink some water you have been sitting here and crying since night." Amnah spoke walking towards her.

Ruhani looked up, her tears leaving a trail of glistening on her cheeks. She acknowledged Amnah's presence and spoke, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and frustration.

"I don't want anything..." she replied, her gaze returning to Rudra.

"Ruhani do you know...how Abbu is not so pleased by your action and what about Nasir Ruhu???" Amnah asked looking at her but Ruhani didn't look up and keep staring at Rudra when Trisha put her her hand Amnah shoulder.

how Abbu is not so pleased by your action and what about Nasir Ruhu???" Amnah asked looking at her but Ruhani didn't look up and keep staring at Rudra when Trisha put her her hand Amnah shoulder

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"Not now Amnah bhabhi...She is not in right State." Trisha spoke as Amnah Looked down.

As the gate Opened and Doctor entered inside the chamber Ruhani instantly turned her attention to the Doctor, her heart racing with anticipation and trepidation.

As the Doctor conducted his examination, Ruhani's grip on Rudra's hand tightened, her hope and concern mingling together as she silently prayed for a sign of improvement. She watched anxiously, her heart racing with every passing moment, waiting for the Doctor's update on Rudra's condition.

As Doctor Moved back with a Sigh and Amnah Spoke.

"Is he???" Doctor looked Down And slowly Nodded his head

Ruhani put her head on his Chest and Spoke Crying loudly

"Rudra Nooo pleaseeee Nooo... You can't leave me like this...I love you so much Pleaseee I'm gonna die Rudra wake up!!!"
Seeing Ruhani state Omar immideatly Walked towards her As he had her From behind.

"Ruhu Calm down." Omar spoke Trying To stop Ruhani who's wiggling in his Arm.

"Noo bhai jaann he can't leave me!!!!! Bhai jannnn!!!!" She clutched Omar kurta tightly, her sobs shaking her entire body as she pleaded for his return.

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