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Kyla knew she was being carried somewhere. Who was carrying her, and where they were going, that was what she didn't know, but she was too tired to open her eyes and find out. Gosh, her head was throbbing. What happened?

"How's she doing?" a voice, a girl's voice from the sound of it, sounded beside her.

"She's still out like a could be hours, days or even weeks before she wakes up..." Another voice, a boy's, the one who was carrying her from what she could tell, responded to the other girl before muttering something under his breath that Kyla could not understand.

Should I make some sort of noise to say 'I can hear you..?' She questioned inside her mind. She decided to stay quiet. Everything hurt, and she was too weak to move anyway.

"Shh, It's okay Rylee, your owner will wake up soon." a different, more high pitched female voice soothed a whimpering cat.

I have a cat? Kyla questioned in her mind. Why couldn't she remember this?

The other people, and Rylee she guessed, walked to wherever they were going in silence for the rest of the time. The girl spent this time trying to recollect memories of the people around her. She couldn't remember their names, but she knew they were important.

However, no matter how hard she tried, her past was a foggy mist. If anything it gave her another headache trying to think about anything from before. She decided to let it go for the moment and just rest for a while.

Kyla dreamed of multiple seemingly random things as she rested: herself and three other people watching what seemed to be a battle, herself as a child playing with some other kids (who looked remarkably similar to the people in the first part of the dream), being lost in thought at what she guessed was a was a lot of mumbo jumbo and it made absolutely no sense.

She awoke after this dream, still very groggy and with a minor headache. How long had she been out for? She looked around, and she was inside a building, the group's house she guessed. There were three other small beds around the one she was laying on (it wasn't really a bed either. It was some wool from a sheep that someone made into a mattress.) There was a hole in the roof and the windows appeared broken, but it had the potential to be a homey kind of place. But this wasn't her house, what was going on!?

She looked down in her lap and saw a snoozing white tabby cat with black speckles, who she assumed was Rylee. What a cute cat! Another person came in through a ladder and appeared excited for a moment before yelling for the other two.

"Ari! Jordan! Kyla's awake!!" The ginger-and-bright-pink haired girl, who was the one with a higher-pitched voice from earlier, called her friends. Though the girl seemed oddly familiar, Kyla couldn't remember anything specific about this person, and she barely recognized the area.

Overwhelmed by confusion and nerves, Kyla exclaimed "Where the heck am I?!"

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