Chapter 1 - Getting Up To Speed

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(Sorry for not updating sooner, physics is kicking my butt. Probably gonna have slow updates for a while)

"Kyla, it's me, Mabel! Don't you remember us?" Mabel, the red-haired girl's name was, responded to Kyla's question as Ari, a tall blonde-and-misty-blue haired girl, and Jordan, a slightly-shorter brown-and-rose-red haired boy climbed up. They looked like the people that Kyla had seen in her dreams while she was asleep. She noticed Mabel's jade green eyes glow with worry.

"Kyla!" Jordan, the boy, said as he came in and hugged Kyla tight. Kyla felt her face flush and turn red. She pushed him off, asking the same question.

"What the heck is going on!?" Jordan's pale green eyes lit up with shock like he just remembered something, before looking upset. Mabel appeared a little worried, and Ari looked almost disappointed. Rylee awoke right at that moment and jumped up, licking Kyla's face lovingly and purring loudly. If Kyla wasn't crazy, she was saying "Kyla I'm so glad you're okay!!"

"Oh no...I think her hitting her head made her lose her memories-" Jordan said and paced around the room, seeming increasingly panicked.

Ari, the only one who hadn't spoken up previously, grabbed Jordan's shoulder to stop him from pacing and said "Jordan, calm down. We don't know that for sure yet. Don't jump to conclusions."

Jordan took a deep breath and mumbled "Sorry..." as Ari let go of his shoulder and crossed her arms again.

"Can someone please explain what's going on, where we are and who you are? I recognize you, but I can't remember anything specific about you." Kyla responded as she pet the purring cat in her lap, now slightly frustrated that these people wouldn't explain what was happening.

"I'm Mabel, and they're Ari and Jordan. The cat in your lap is your cat, Rylee. There are seven more of us, three adult wolves named Midnight, Asher and Rain, three wolf pups that are Asher and Rain's pups, Fang, Graphite and Patch, and another cat named Copper." Mabel explained, pointing to those who were in the room in turn as she said their names.

Jordan added on while tapping his foot like he was trying to distract himself from being upset; "Where we are is the Twilight Forest. Kind of a long story, but in short form we were sent on a quest because the forest has an eternal night curse. It was mostly a legend at home, but a group of cat and wolf spirits from here sent a message for us and opened the portal here. It shut behind us so we're kinda stuck at the moment."

A shattering noise and an image of a violet pool with various flora around it flashed in Kyla's mind, but not without it feeling like it hurt to think. Kyla rubbed the side of her head with one hand to try to help focus her attention away from the headache itself.

"Are you alright Kyla??" Rylee meowed before laying back down.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a headache." Kyla answered before looking at Jordan and asking "What was the message??"

"It sounds like something out of a kids' book series, but it was pretty much that we were chosen for a quest to break the curse on this forest, and to do so we have to fight a bunch of stuff to get to someone called the Night Ruler. We tried to fight the Naga already, which is the first thing we needed to fight. It's basically a big freaky-looking snake creature. The battle went south and you ended up getting thrown against the courtyard wall, though. That's how we ended up here." Ari butted in this time with a hint of sarcasm at the start, doing quotation signals at various moments as she relayed the spirits' message.

"And you getting hit on the head knocked you out for a few days worth of time and messed your memory up." Jordan added, while Ari gave him a look that pretty much said 'No duh, Sherlock!'

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