Chapter 4 - Moving Onwards

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Kyla flew through air and landed on the Naga hard, more on the back of the neck than the face. The Naga snarled in pain before going limp, which caused her to fall off it's back and land on her rear end. Kyla had to take a second to process what just happened. When she went to check for breath, it wasn't breathing.

"Holy crap, I paralyzed it!" Kyla exclaimed as Rylee stood up from a curled up ball. Kyla crouched down next to Rylee so she could check up on her. Rylee set down the tan-furred rabbit and it stared at the Naga in shock.

"Go on little one, it's safe now." Rylee purred, nudging the rabbit with her nose. The rabbit glanced up at her before shaking its head no and snuggling into her side.

"Huh. He must trust you after you saved his life." Kyla observed with a relieved chuckle. Mabel climbed down from the courtyard wall, and she did not look happy.

"Rylee, what were you thinking?!" She scolded, sounding more concerned than angry. "You could've gotten yourself killed!"

Rylee's tail curled around her new buddy. "He just hopped into the courtyard through a crack in the wall! I couldn't leave him to just get killed! I was planning to get in, grab the little guy and get out but the Naga charged." She explained as the rest of the group started to cluster back together.

"Well, I don't blame you for that, but maybe don't do something like that again. That was dangerous." Jordan responded, crossing his arms, and Kyla gave a nod in agreement.

"Welp, looks like we have food for days." Ari joked to the pack, pointing to the Naga, looking over at the others and grinning sarcastically, with a mischievous look in her eye like she was trying to lighten the mood.

"Eww!" Kyla exclaimed, caught off guard by the joke, while Jordan just stared at Ari with an appalled expression.

There was protest from the pack, which Kyla had to agree with. Eating the Naga so they wouldn't have to hunt for a while would probably be a terrible idea.

"Ari, that's disgusting." Rain barked point-blankly, her nose scrunching up while the pups watched in confusion.

"Would it even be possible to eat that?" Copper meowed as he batted at the armor-like scales on the Naga's side.

"I'm pretty sure we'd all fall ill if we ate that regardless of how you and Jordan cooked it, Ari, and we don't need that to happen." Mabel added, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Okay okay, guys chill out! I was joking!" Ari exclaimed as she threw her hands in the air in exasperation, "Besides, even if I wasn't joking I don't think we would even be able to get it back to the cabin! Maybe some other creatures will eat the giant nope rope."

"Or maybe some giant mushrooms will grow around a big old snake skeleton!" Midnight suggested, her tail wagging, meanwhile Asher was laughing hysterically at the whole scene.

Kyla couldn't resist laughing at them. She turned around to collect a scale from the side of the Naga that was loose, wincing at the noise it made when she pulled it off. It sounded worse than nails on a chalkboard. Kyla couldn't remember where she heard that expression, of course, but she knew it was a horrible sound.

"That's sore ears for you." Asher commented sarcastically.

"Everyone cover your ears. I'll get some more scales and then we can head out." Kyla told the group. Everyone did so, and Kyla braced herself before pulling a bunch of scales off the Naga's side.

"Where are we gonna put these? They're huge." Jordan commented.

"I can run and drop them off at home and we can maybe just carry one or two in the bag with us," Ari responded, "I'm not certain that we will need them, but it wouldn't hurt to bring one so we don't have to run back and get one if we DO need it." and Jordan nodded. Ari walked over and took most of the scales before running off towards home.

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