A big iron on his hip

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A man was dragged into a clearing with daffodils growing by three mean each wearing suits. One man was of particular interest as he had a golden revolver in a holster on his hip. The man was wearing a checkered suit whilst his colleagues were dressed in funeral attire as they grabbed the man they dragged and put him into a kneeling position in front of them.

The man kneeling was young, he looked no older than 19 yet he was gagged to prevent any sound from his mouth. He had medium length wavy H/C hair whilst his E/C eyes were blood shot and wide with fear as he looked at the group in front of him.

"You've made your last delivery kid." The man in the checkered suit stated as he slowly began to load up the gun. "Sorry you got twisted up in this scene but from where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is... the game was rigged from the start." The man said as he finished loading the revolver. The man then lifted the gun to the boys head before firing.


The gun rang out as everything faded to black... It felt oddly peaceful. It was like the boy had finally been freed from his previous bad decisions. Getting mixed up in gang and because of that he had been taken to the underground and shot as no one would even dare go looking for him in a place inhabited by monsters.

Slowly, the boy felt his soul start to crumble. His heart begin to stop pumping blood through his body until he heard it... Incoherent speaking. It was like something... No, someone was talking to him but he couldn't understand what they were saying... It was like they were speaking in hands? The boy couldn't describe what the language was just that it was like it was being spoken in hands... whatever that meant.

The boy slowly opened his eyes to see it...

The boy didn't know who or what it was but it placed its hands on the hole were the bullet was before green energy admitted from their hands as it slowly began to heal the wound

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The boy didn't know who or what it was but it placed its hands on the hole were the bullet was before green energy admitted from their hands as it slowly began to heal the wound. However, his soul was still crumbling so the... thing began to inject a pure red liquid into his soul causing the boy to be...

Filled with determination

And almost as suddenly as the thing came, it disappeared. Leaving the boy to slowly fall back into an unconscious state.


Elsewhere, in a snowy village a young women could be seen smiling as she looked at monster kids and human kids getting along. Where was she? In fact she was in snowdin, one of the major villages in the underground. In a bid to create peace between humans and monsters, the monster king asgore had allowed humans to freely travel in the underground as their heart contented until monsters were fully moved into the over world.

"Hey Frisk!" The women, frisk, looked up to see two people walking towards her. One was a goat humanoid, one of the various monsters that lived in the underground. Another was another human women who looked a lot like frisk the main difference between the two was that the other women wore a green and yellow jumper and had red eyes and pale skin compared to Frisk who had blue eyes, a much more tanned complexion as well as purple and pink sweater. Frisk smiled as the two walked towards her.
"Hey asriel. Hey Chara what's up? I thought you were helping sans and papyrus move?"
"Yeah that's why we're here, you're not helping instead you're just sitting on your arse doing nothing!" Chara spitefully replied with.
"Hey chara! That's not nice!" Asriel scolded as he tried to diffuse any potential situation. "Anyway we're here to ask you about those sketchy guys in suits."

Asriel said before pointing towards a shop by grillbys. There stood a gang of men in black suits except for one in a checkered one all smoking. Frisk had seen them before carrying something in a large box but she didn't ask about it preferring not to stick her nose in others businesses.
"Yeah? What about them?" Frisk asked as she turned and gave them a smile.
"*scoff* don't you think they're a bit too sketchy?" Chara said spewing sarcasm and suspicion. Frisk sighed before smiling.
"Listen they may look sketchy but they have probably done no wrong."

Asriel sighed at his sisters trust in others whilst chara rolled her eyes at her sisters pure nativity...


An insurmountable time had passed before the boy began to regain consciousness. It was evident something had happened as blood was still all over his face and had also dried into his hair. The boy clenched his fists as he felt metal in one hand. The boy looked at his hand seeing the golden revolver used to almost kill him. The boy growled to himself.
'That bastard wanted this to look like a suicide!' The boy thought to himself as he got up. The boy looked at all the items he had on himself; the revolver, a packet of cigarettes, some human money as well as syringes? The boy had no idea why or how he got the syringes but something was labelled on them. DETERMINATION. It read in big letters. The boy thought about discarding them but a voice in his head was against anything of the sort.

The boy began to take in his surroundings. He couldn't lie this was a very beautiful area if it wasn't also meant to be his grave. The boy growled at the thought of that man in the checkered suit. He promises himself that he will kill that man. No matter what it takes.

The boy began to walk slowly, as he tried to regain control of his body. Getting shot in the head can sure impact your memory. Especially when remembering how to move properly. Although, it wasn't too difficult to gain a feel for his body after basically having his brain matter blew up.

The boy walked away from the clearing before finding a place, it looked like ruins. Green wavy vines crawled up from the base of the ruins to the top showing to the boy that no one had been near these ruins in years. The boy walked through the maze like ruin's finding already finished puzzles as well as encountering a few monsters. One of them in particular was weird.

"H-hey! What are you doing here?!" A shaky voice called out to the boy as he looked at the source. It was a cow like monster and it had serve fear in its eyes. That was probably because the boy looked like he had been through hell.
"I'm looking to get out of here." The boy says as he went back to looking.
"N-no! Don't move! You look like you need help! I'll be back with help!" The cow monster then proceeded to speed off in a certain direction.

The boy decided to go the way the cow went seeing it as probably his best way of getting out of the ruins.


Back in snowdin, the trio of Frisk, Asriel and Chara began to help move boxes from inside Sans and papyrus's house into a moving truck. Eventually they heard someone screaming frisk's name.
"FRISK! FRISK! I NEED YOUR HELP!" A cow monster ran up to frisk.
"Calm down, Max. What's wrong?" Frisk asked enduringly.
"There's a human in the ruins! They look like they've been hurt!"  This caught Frisk's attention.
'Another human... but the ruins have been shut off to all humans because of the potential danger. I need to help them' Frisk thought as her eyes lit up with determination.

Frisk looked to Chara and asriel.
"Come on guys we need to help them." Chara scoffed at Frisks naivety whilst asriel seemed unsure.
"Frisk... What if they're dangerous?" Asriel asked.
"Yeah. He might just turn around and kill you for all we know." Chara deadpanned as she thought of the worst scenario possible. Frisk shook her head.
"If they're hurt then there's no way they could harm anyone. They probably got lost in the ruins."
"Doesn't matter. If you get yourself killed then it would be over. Any hope between monsters and humans would be destroyed." Chara reasoned.
"Listen if you two won't help then I'll go alone." Frisk pouted before walking to the ruins

Asriel and chara just looked at each other before sighing.


Frisk made her way to the ruins as she passed on top of the bridge she met sans on. Fond memories came flooding into her head as she smiled. That was until he saw him.

A tall boy, easily 6 foot. She couldn't lie, even if she had only seen him, this boy was handsome. He just had perfect features from his strong jawline to his beautiful E/C eyes. Frisk felt her heart skip a beat as she saw the boy. Then Frisk saw the blood all over the boys face and stained in his H/C hair. She felt her body fill with determination as she slowly began to approach him.

The boy stopped to look at frisk. She raises her hands showing she was friendly.
"Hi, are you okay?" She asked with worry.
"I'm fine. Who are you?" He said his suspicion could be heard in his voice.
"My names Frisk. Ambassador to the monster kingdom." She smiled as she edged closer. "What's your name?"

"Y/N. Y/N L/N...

Undertale x male reader - A bullet to the head *Season 1* [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now