Date with a fish

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"He's in pain." Both Chara and Asriel looked to Frisk with each holding a confused expression.
"What do you mean?" Asriel asks worryingly as he scanned Y/N's body. No visible signs of pain but Frisk didn't mean physical pain. No, she meant mental pain. Much harder to see on the surface but she could see it. The hurt in his eyes, it was intense.
"Don't worry about it..." Frisk muttered as the scene played out in front of the three.

"Papyrus let me at him! I'm going to rip off his head!" Undyne screamed as papyrus held her back. Y/N stood there his imperialistic sneer spat volumes at Undyne.
"I'd like to see you try." Y/N's sneer deepens as he looked at Undyne with distain.
"UNDYNE! CALM DOWN! THE HUMAN IS OF NO HARM TO US!" Papyrus begged as Undyne stepped back.
"No harm!? Sans said it best he's a loose cannon! We have not the slightest idea what he's capable of and yet we have to step on eggshells around him."
"U-undyne please! C-calm d-down!" Alphys nervously stuttered as Y/N just glared.
"Your absolutely right. You have not the slightest fucking clue what I'm capable of. So I would suggest backing off, fish!" Y/N spat.
"Enough! You two are squabbling like fucking kids. Frankly, it's making me bone tired." Sans interjected as Y/N and Papyrus looked to him with an unimpressed look.
"Y'know what fuck you guys. I'm going for a smoke." Y/N growled as he turned to leave.

Y/N slammed the door behind him as he stared off into the wilderness of Waterfall. Why was he treated like a threat? Maybe because he was one. Y/N didn't want to seem like a bad guy but deep down he knew he was. Y/N took out the pack of cigarettes. He looked into the to box seeing only 3 left.
'For fuck sake' Y/N growled to himself as he took one of cigarettes out before periodically lighting it.


Back inside

To say Frisk was annoyed was the understatement of the century. She was beyond pissed that Undyne and Sans would treat Y/N as a threat. To Frisk, all evidence proved to Y/N not being a threat. He could've killed each of them multiple times in cold blood. He could've killed her and Chara in sans and papyrus' bathroom. He could've killed sans at grillbys. He could've let Asriel die when the bridge broke. Yet, he never did. So, why did they consider him a bad guy? Why?

The room was quiet as an awkward silence befell the group when Y/N had left.
"You guys are terrible people." Chara bluntly stated as she walked out after Y/N. She had a point they where all terrible for how they treated Y/N like he wasn't human. And this angered Frisk.
"Wow, what's up with the princess? It's seems like she's got a bone to pick with us." Sans chuckled at his own pun as Frisk had enough.
"Sans... just be quiet. For once." Frisk spat.
"Woah kid I thought you like my puns?" Sans looked kind of hurt. Whilst everyone else looked surprised that Frisk would snap.
"I do! But not when you guys are trying to constantly make out Y/N to be dangerous! He doesn't deserve to be treated as poorly as he does!" Frisk let it out as she was now scolding each of them. "Just... just leave him alone." Frisk finally said tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she stormed out the house.

She left the house to see chats sitting next to Y/N to the side of the house. Chara in the fetal position whilst Y/N leaned his back on the wall of the house as his legs stretched out in front of him. Y/N cigarette still burned brightly. She smiled seeing the two.
"Room for one more?" Frisk said as Chara patted the spot to the side of herself.
"Plenty of room."
"Hmm." Y/N hummed as Frisk sat beside Chara.

"This place is calm..." Y/N finally stated as he stared off into the distance. "Much calmer than in there... I'm sorry you two."
"Huh?" Frisk gave Y/N a confused look as Chara shook her head.
"Why are you apologizing?" Chara asked.
"I... I shouldn't have started anything with undyne. That's my fault."
"Don't apologize you did nothing wrong." Frisk comforted with a smile but this didn't quite fix Y/N's mood.
"Except for the fact I said she stunk of fish."
"Yeah sure you shouldn't have said that-"
"And frankly she does." Chara interrupted.
"But it doesn't change the fact that they shouldn't have been talking about you behind your back."
"Doesn't matter. I did something wrong. I need to apologize." Y/N stated.

Undertale x male reader - A bullet to the head *Season 1* [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now