7 ) first meet

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Hii guys

So here is the next part

So in this story the current date is 06 September

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Finally alone One by one all of his cousin introduce themselves to her

" Hey i m pleased to meet all of you " teju said softly making kiritika smile

" Don't be so hesitant with us we are a squad and we protect for own and you will definitely a part of our squad "

" Is my to be jiju is also a part of your squad " Taniya asked making them halt

" Karan bhai? No he is too busy to be part of our activities " Naina said

" Even our other two elder brothers are not a part of it they do guest appearance " Kiritika said

" Naitik bhai is the only one who helps us in our activities " raina said

" And what are these activities " rishabh asked

" Well gossiping , helping each other when stuck , doing a movie marathon once a week, outing and all fun stuffs "

" Nice your life seems quite fun " teju said

" We believe in living to the fullest " kiritika said

" So my to be jiju is never a part of any of your activity "

" Bhai and fun don't come in the same sentence " kartik said

" But bhabhi you don't take tension Bhai is chill he don't care what you do with your life until and unless you are not harming your safety " kiritika said

" That's a good thing ? " Teju was confused how to react to the kind of things she get to know about her to be husband

" Karan bhai is here " she hear naina say and she turn and for a second she was just looking at him

He was taller than her a few inches , and the cold expression on his face

" Dii " Taniya whispered beside her and teju turn to her and ask with her eyes what

" You were staring at him " she whispered and teju turn again only to realise he was now standing beside her wearing his shade with a kinda bored expression

Teju felt a sudden fire in her " she was waiting for him and he had the audacity to look bored" she thought

" Maa is calling all of you back " he said and his voice was deep

When her siblings didn't leave her side he slightly turn to them" even you two " he said turning his eyes back on her

After all of them leave he turn ahead and teju followed his actions and they were walking beside each other

" Do you wish to continue your job after marriage " he suddenly asked making her surprise and she stop walking

" Yaa the company has a branch in udaipur so its not difficult " he just nodded and move ahead

She look conflicting than she closed her eyes gathering all her courage " What do you expect from your future wife? " She asked making him turn to her

" Hmm Never thought about that but yaa i just want her to Accept me the way i m and live with it "

" that's a  leave it " teju started then drop it and was moving ahead

" Now say what you want to say complete it " he said not moving along with her

" That's a very big thing to expect from someone like from what i have get to know about you you are not a easy person to just accept it " tejasswi said slowly

" So not everything in life is supposed to be easy " Karan said

" I know that but still " teju said but he cut her off

" Still what? Having second thoughts about getting married to a difficult person " he said sarcastically

" I didn't thought of you someone to be holding grudge it was just an opinion"

" You don't know me at all " he smirks and walk away making her stand there in shock

" Did he just mock me? Did he tease me ? The person who don't care never go like " you don't know me at all " or was he just making me confused ? Did i judge him wrong. Yaa i definitely did .what all i got to know is a part of him not his whole personality and he has more to it then he show's" she was lost in her thoughts when taniya shook her

" Di the Rathore's are leaving mom is asking you to come and bid them byee "

She nodded and they move towards the house together

Few days have passed since the meeting and there mother's were in contact

There meeting was just a formality

Teju had given her mother green signal already

So the mothers had contacted the priest and was eager to get a date for the wedding

After looking at their kundli the pandit ji
What they say about time sometime is the time is wrong the good thing can also turn bad

So after looking at it the conclusion pandit ji has come was that their pair is good but if they didn't get married on a certain date than it can cause trouble in there life.

And that certain date was 24 October

A month and few days away they could get married on this 24 October or on the next year 24 October

Karan's mom didn't wanted to wait till the next year 24 October. So she consulted with her mother in law and set the date

And they decided to announce it to the family on dinner time

Karan was sitting in his office his mind was on his to be bride " He meet so many people everyday so its not different for him to judge there character all always try to pretend Infront of him but his to be wife was different if she was angry it showed in her eyes her every emotion was visible in her eyes maa was right she have a soft face but she was nowhere a quitter and she was different from so many pretentious faces he met everyday the way she was staring at him with those black face for a moment he was struck with the realness on her face the way he could read every emotion on her face "

suddenly he hear a knock  making him come out of his thoughts" yes  he responded and his bodyguard come in " sir kabir sir's car was attacked "

That's for today

I hope you guys like it

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