10 : Wedding preparations

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Karan's POV

I was discussing some important details with my Team when my phone ring

First i thought i should just let it be but when it continues ringing

I pick it up and it was an unknown number

So i picked the call and said hello?

And the. response come after a second or two a soft voice said hello

It took a minute to realise who is on the other side

Her response make my interest rise and i gesture the team to go out and sit on the seat

She apologized then when i agreed with her she said she know like what is this women

I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my throat

Then she explains her self and i didn't let myself feel much i shift towards the topic she had called for

Her words were jumbled like on every sentence she was changing the direction

Is she too scared to talk to me? Or she is just nervous or she is just being herself

So i said calmly but i was enjoying the talk

It's not like every day someone is this cute arround me

Yaa people are usually scared of me but i know she is not scared otherwise she wouldn't have called

I hear her clearing hee throat " I wanted to say like the guest quantity is enough for my family but my friends they are not included in it you know like family give priority to family So i wanted to personally invite my friend not including them in the family guest They are not much just "

Okay i understand the whole situation she wants to invite her friends but she can't bcoz her family has too much people and she can't say it to her mother

" Okay send me there address and name i will send them the invitation by myself"

" You agreed? " Her surprise is clearly visible in her voice

" You didn't wanted me to agree but i can say no as well " i teased her

" No no i mean its great like " then she stop

" You are making fun of me " she said like i did a big crime

" No i was teasing you "

" Huff " see what i say about her being cute

And she cut the call

I stare at the number then save it in my phone

My father entered the cabin i look up " papa? "


" What? "

" YAA the amount was so accurate how can they know it without it "

" I will look into it " i Clinch my fist and call my security in

And here goes away all the good mood she had set

Pov end

The Wedding preparations was in full swing as the time was passing

Both of the families were busy in various thing
They had reach on the agreement that the engagement will happen at Rathore Mansion and then the other two functions will happen at a hotel owned by Rathore's only

The whole lot of guest will stay in the hotel till the wedding

And Karan's cousin will attend all the functions even few of his relatives if they wish for

The wedding outfits will be done by Karan's family only that's there tradition

And our girl squad has went out of the way to not keep the outfits typical

And give them a new look  using colours not usually used in such a function

Teju's mother was busy calling everyone respectively and inviting them and taii ji had problem with every single thing

But luckily for teju as she had submitted the application for her transfer

Her work load has increased so she was very rarely there on any family meal so her peace of mind was intact

And as for our groom he was living his usual life away from everyone with just him and his work

As the wedding date was nearing Karan's family has started to distribute the card

And as promised to tejasswi Karan had send the cards to her friends

Teju got a call from both of her friends when the card reach them

" Why couldn't you give it out yourself" they asked
Teju explain the situation and

" I m happy for you " Akiriti said and teju was surprised " you got someone's who finally care for you i m not saying your mother don't but she can never give you first priority"

Teju wanted to say he won't give me first priority as well he has his responsibility his family first but she didn't said it bcoz she don't wanna have such kinda expectation

" Well never doubted you babe those innocent eyes can melt any hard exterior" Shanaya said making teju blush

But she felt a lil satisfied in her heart that atleast she mattered somewhere at some part in his heart she mattered to him

" Well babe he is big like everything about the guy is above average what fun your wedding night will be " shanaya teased

" Dude its a arrange Marriage I don't think they will.do it on the wedding night itself "

" whenever they will do her virgin pussy is done for "

They were teasing her its a normal thing to talk to a To be bride

But she was stuck in a dark hole in her mind

She cut the call to calm herself but the vision keep flooding her mind

She wasn't ready she had said she never will be but this part of marriage scares her

She don't know if she can handle it

She was tired from the whole day of work but as soon as she close her eyes she felt like she was back there in that alley surrounded by those mens
Crying and scared

Her breath hitched she immediately tuck down and took out a bottle

She took two pills gulping it down by water

She felt numb the numbness was okay she felt calm and slowly the pills makes her drift of to sleep

That's for today

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