14 : Trust?

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Tejasswi pov

I m sitting in the room trying to think a solution

" What is she supposed to do? Like agree with her parents? They are not wrong it is dangerous but its not too dangerous and life is unpredictable anything can happen bad things happen like that happened with her " her body shuddered thinking about it " Noo teju its not time to willow in self pity think " she calm her self " So the family is good its not there people are on them and its not like they won't protect her but still anything can happen that can happen anyway but There is a feeling in her heart that is stopping her from saying yes to her parents her intuition is saying to not cancel the marriage but she can't just act on it yaa she need insurance but who will give her that " her eyes fell on her phone she pouted " only if he cared enough to tell this herself " she thought and as if it summon him

Her phone ring

" To be husband " is he actually calling or is she imagining

God Teju it will stop ringing " her mind chided and she pick it up and said a small hello

" So what is your parents decision " How straight forward is this guys did he call her to know that but at least he did

" They want to cancel the marriage " she said

" And what do you want? " What did she want? " Well you look like the type to go for what parents say " he said and she was frustrated " well that's the problem " her frustration was clearly heard in her voice

" What's the problem "

" You "

" How can i be the problem you met me once and talked to me twice " he sounded surprised

She sighed " well you know i m that kind of person you don't argue never if someone say something i let it go I don't take it to heart but when i first met you i argued with you i judged you i never do that when the second time we talked i asked you something i never ask stuff bcoz i m the eldest daughter i m always thought to be a giver and the girl who always say yes to her parents on anything they say didn't say yes to them and is in delema of how to say to no to them "

" Well i guess your family never has ever heard you talk so much as well " he teased her making her sigh

" I guess not "

" So you don't wanna cancel the marriage but you are hasitating you have never been bad Infront of anybody are you scared of reminding of any of the trouble you had caused before " teju's breath hitched never has someone get why she is always good this early

" SO you are also hiding something from us interesting . you know no one has ever discuss there problems with me like this or called me there problem "

" Maybe we were saving stuff to do with just one another " she don't know Why she said that like there marriage is on the verge of being cancelled

" I like the sound of that"

" What your mother said is scary but not that much scary like there are things much scarier that has happened to me so i don't know what to do on one side i want to agree to my parents and continue living the life without any change and second side i want to held onto the change and give life a second chance "

Only after saying did i realise i said much more than i should have

" I don't know what you said is literal or not but i promise to protect you so need to trust your instincts who are stoping you from saying yes well i m coming to the hotel in 20 minutes come down and i will give you every answer you want to clear your mind and help you decide if you didn't come down i wish you best of luck for your future life " he said and cut the call

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