Chapter IX: Birthday surprise

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The next week went by fast and it was now Thursday. Taehyung knew what was planned the next day, so he made sure to pack up stuff for the weekend while Jungkook was still at work. He told the younger he would like to stay the night to be the first who can congratulate him at midnight.

The older ordered some food for the night and with a set table waited for his other half to arrive home from his day at work. A little surprise waited in the fridge. When he heard soft noises coming from the door he rushed over to greet him.

"Haaa." the younger let out a long sigh while taking off his shoes. Taehyung was hesistant about greeting him lovingly. That reaction was quite a turnoff.

"Hello, my love. Did you have a tiring day?" he carefully inquired and pulled him into a soft embrace hoping it would raise his spirits a bit. "Hello, honey bear. Well, I had hoped I could get tomorrow off if I worked harder today, but I wouldn't get the manager hyungs to budge." he sighed again, clearly disappointed. Taehyung felt bad for him, but he needed to keep quiet if he wanted the surprise to be successful.

"Oh, too bad. That's really upsetting." he said in a sulky voice. He pulled his tired lover toward the table. "I hope you can at least eat a little bit. I ordered some of your favourites."

He sat down and smiled faintly. He didn't want to upset Taehyung any more, so he answered "Of course, at least you were able to clear your schedule for tonight. I'm happy about that." now his smile became more genuine.

"Should I get you anything to drink? Want a beer, wine or anything else?" he asked before leaving the kitchen. "No, not right now. I'd rather only have a glass of champagne with you later." he knew Taehyung had prepared a bottle as they would often toast on each other on their birthdays.

The other then sat down in front of his sulky fiancé. They ate their dinner rather quiet. Taehyung cleared the table after they were done, ordering Jungkook to take a bath or shower to calm down a bit. He wanted some cuddles later and a frustrated Jungkook was not the best partner for this.

Taehyung looked at the clock. It was already half past ten. The other still didn't return, so he went to check up on him. Jungkook relaxed in the bathtub, eyes closed. He seemed to have calmed down to the point where he fell asleep. He checked the water's temperature. It had gotten too cold for him to join now.

"Jungkook-ah, if you're tired go sleep in bed, not the tub. That's dangerous." he woke him a bit irritated. He had hoped they would spend the night differently. Jungkook awoke and was startled at first, checking his surroundings. "I'm sorry, Tae, I somehow dozed off. Today was really tiring for me."

"It's okay, my love. Come on, get out now or you'll catch a cold." he held out the towel and bathrobe for him. As Jungkook climbed out of the bathtub he was mustered from head to toe. He noticed the older's glances on him and flexed his muscles playfully.

"Seems like your mood has lifted a little. That's great." Taehyung chuckled at his action. He then wrapped him into the towel, patting him dry a little before the other carried on.

"Do you want to go to sleep already? Any plans, wishes or ideas?" he inquired still checking the other out. "Whatever you like. I'm fine to stay up until midnight now that I had a short nap."

Seems like he isn't in any mood right now, Taehyung sighed, a little disappointed at the thought. But they still had the whole weekend for fun. He then asked "Maybe you want some dessert?" Jungkook raised one eyebrow "What dessert might that be?"
"Not what you think, idiot" he wanted it to be a surprise, but it was only half an hour left until midnight anyway.

He left for the kitchen where he pulled a small cake and the bottle of champagne out of the fridge. Jungkook followed in his bathrobe and saw the crooked outlines of a cake. A little bunny was drawn on top along with a misspelled little 'Happy brithday' with one candle being the dot for the 'i'. Small irregular shapes of whipped cream sat around the corners almost falling off.

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