(15) It's You And Me (END)

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Sunoo fixed his hair in the mirror, a pout on his face.

"Hoon! Did you find it?"

"Yes babe!"

Sunghoon entered the bedroom, walking behind Sunoo and placing a necklace on him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Sunghoon sat on the bed of his room, watching Sunoo.

It had been two weeks since the incident at the apartment.

Today, an award ceremony was being held at their college for honors students.

Sunoo, Heeseung, and Jungwon, we're all being honored, as well as Ni-Ki.

Sunghoon wore black suit pants and a white button-down shirt, adding his swim team jacket at the last minute.

"I'm ready.", Sunoo said.

"You look amazing darling."

"Hehe, thank you. Let's go."

The two exited the room and headed downstairs.

They waves goodbye to Sunghoon's parents, who were watching k-dramas and eating movie theatre popcorn.

Going outside, the sunlight beamed onto their skin, casting a warm glow.

Sunghoon's car waited for them.

"Are we going anywhere after the ceremony?", Sunghoon asked.

"If you want to."

"I'm glad you said so. I want to take you to a restaurant."

"Ooo, fancy."

Sunghoon smiled as they got into the car and buckled in, driving off towards the college.

"Heeseung texted me earlier. He said Jake found a cat on the street and now refuses to let it go.", Sunoo said.

"Sounds like him. That guy has always seemed to capture random animals and never want to release them."

"I told Heeseung he should get Jake to open a zoo."

"I would support that for sure. We could put you in there."


"Yeah. Every zoo needs a fox."

"Oh you think you're funny."

"Indeed I do."

The drive continued with laughs, jokes, and the occasional five-second-silence.

They soon arrived at the college and saw many people heading inside for the ceremony.

Waiting outside was Ni-Ki.

When the boys exited the car, they walked over to Ni-Ki, who waved.

"Riki, why are you waiting out here?", Sunghoon asked.

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