Unseen Observer

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August 4th, 2084

2:18 A.M

Syntharia, Oregon

Konran District

I flew away as fast as I could. The strain on my wings was the last thing on my mind though. With every beat from my wings, my breathing became more hoarse... I was almost caught... Holy shit—I was nearly caught! God, Wendy would be furious if I was... She'd scold me for hours. After she... storms every police department and... breaks me out. Eventually, I made it to a dimly lit-up alleyway to hide in; I pulled up the hood of my raincoat and tucked my wings, leaning against the wall out of view from the public.

I sighed, reflecting on what had just happened. How could I be so stupid?! I aggressively thought to myself. I thought they were just some guys pretending to be cops! They had drugs for crying out loud! I let another sigh escape my throat as my back slowly slid down the wall, gently sitting me down on the cold concrete floor of the alley. It's fine though... they'll forget who I was by morning. As I thought back to the moment of my risky escape, I remember getting a glimpse of some... strange red-headed boy who seemed to have been watching the whole thing or at least he witnessed it when it happened. The guy that was watching. Something seemed... off about him. He didn't seem to involve himself in the situation. He is most likely not a part of the SPD, he looks too young to be anyway, maybe around my age. Is he special like me? But if he isn't also an Arcane... Then why didn't he do anything? He could've at least helped...

Most people living in Syntharia are normal, (almost normal...) and have this strange aura of blandness or repulsiveness. With every person I observe, I can tell just by every little action and the body language they display if they're normal, or... if they are 'special,' like myself. Then again, I never really had a genuine conversation with others outside the Pegasus (unless it was a fast food worker)...

Speaking of Pegasus, I should get back to the station, Wendy is probably wondering where I am. This is the new burner too so she probably doesn't have my number... I stand up and begin fluttering my wings, relieving some strain in my joints as I prepare to take off when I suddenly hear footsteps near the end of the alley. I quickly turn to the source of the sound, out into the street, seeing a hue of red walk past the alley, familiar red. I took no more than seconds to process who it was. The boy from earlier! I quickly unveiled my wings from underneath my coat, flying up to get a clear view of the boy.

The skyline was filled with holograms which was far too distracting to unsuspecting civilians, the chances of me being seen were meager; I just had to hope he didn't look directly above his shoulder. I watched as he walked down the empty sidewalk, his hood covering the back of his head, adding to his mysterious character. I followed him for a bit, trying to get a good look at his face. He seemed to have burn scars that ran down his neck and shoulders, mysterious... I survey the street, ensuring I can make my next move following this... Mystery Boy. On one end of the sidewalk are two teens, both a bit shorter than him and not even paying to attention anything but their conversation, normal. On the other end was be a woman wearing a sort of apron closing down her cafe, also normal.

But as I begin looking to the other side of the street, I notice two bald men in suits with a bunch of tattoos getting out of a hover car that quickly speeds off as they close the door. These guys are... normal... But... something is still off. They're with River. Suddenly, the two teenagers that were walking toward Mystery Boy were frantically running away from him. Wait... Hold on--Why are they running?! What did he do?!

This, of course, caught the attention of the men in suits, though all he did was keep walking ahead, not even looking back. Does he not notice those guys? Does he not care? What did he even do? Did he just scare them or did he... Agh, fuck... They're getting closer, I... I have to do something. But what if I'm caught? But that would mean that he'd be free and... Why am I overthinking about this?! I don't even know him!

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