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It wasn't really that rare for mori to give them missions . So, dazai was just annoyed, he just expect Mori to give them another stupid mission like always.

Nothing to special.

As he and ranpo walked towards Mori room, they both had already had this serious look on there face nothing new.

Dazai just pushed the door open without anycare in the world with knocking, it didn't surprise ranpo at all since he used to it.

As they went inside Mori offices dazai see this nasty smirk on mori's face.

"dazai-kun, ranpo - kun, please come take a seat." Mori said as they walked towards his desk, Elise was drawing something random in the far back corner. She just look at them and giggled before turning back to the drawing.

''I'm glad you two can make it , I need both of you to infiltrate the hero high school know as U.A.  located in musutafu'' Mori said

Dazai and Ranpo's eyes widened at mori words

Why? Ranpo asked the question on dazai's mind

"Well ranpo-kun, the villain group,leagues of villains are trying to get through Yokohama barrier."

Why don't we just infiltrate U.A? Dazai asked,confused

''well I'm planing for you guys to take them out one by one, and  get information on the new generations of these so call heros '' Mori answered then slid a file towards them.

"You well be leaving in two days from today, you two don't have to worry about the enterance exam principal nezu have already have a spot for both of you in U.A."

''Both of you will be attending class 1a I'm very sure I can trust both of you to get the job done"

They walked out of Mori's room together. Ranpo had gotten to dazai to see more of the file as they walked.

Ranpo scoffed while reading the file, reading the contents inside as they contiued walking, They would have to call abilites quirks,and find new less abilty names for them. Quite stupid in ranpo's opinion whats wrong with dazai abilty  ''No longer human''?

Ranpo moved towards his aparment while dazai went into  his smsll  shipping container he called ''home.''

When ranpo arrived at his aparment,he started packing his things. The file that mori gave them a listed of things they should take with them. They were told to not take alot of clothes but instead buy clothes from there in order to blend in since Yokohama most likely had diffrent clothing styles than the other.

Ranpo hoped he would not have to wear the    those t-shirts with stupid logos on them. its not really his style,really.

As ranpo minds starts to wander on its own. what if dazai get bullied?(if they even could, ranpo would just simple murder them if the do so  but what if they get labled as ''villains''?

Villans...what a silly name to label some as... what makes someone a ''villan''? stealing? killing? Those things could easily be dissmised at least depending on a person motive.

Would dazai get label as a ''villain'' would it be because of his ability taking away a person's humanity....as people say. Ranpo didn't  think so though...to him No Longer Human was so beautiful,claiming .

It gave him a sense of security which made him love him more, a sense of comfort. He loves dazai so much...........

He keeps forgetting to eat! Refusing to sleep! If Ranpo didn't take care of him the boy would have been probably dead.  Oh how much he wanted to shake some since into him.

In Ranpo point of view  Dazi was so pretty....his eyes(or rather eye,since one of his eyes are bandage up all the the time) Ranpo can just get lost looking at them

His hair was so fluffy that he wants to puts his hands through it....his lips to,they are so soft so kissable....

he need to clear his thoughts for now and continue packing


Dazai smilled as he walk towards his shipping container-house. He even start to skip his steps a bit, no one knew why was he so happy.

He then open the door to his ''house''  he then went inside and closed it he was thankfully for the doors he still of course wanted privacy in his ''home.''

He then look around a bit before laying down on the ''bed''  it wasn't comfortable but dazai was already used to it.
He then listen to the sea and the waves his ''home'' was close to the port and near the sea. He got up and put the pj's on that ranpo gifted him awhile back he layed back down on ''bed'' turning to the wall hoping to sleep not like he could anyways....


Two days had passsed quickly and it was time for Ranpo and Dazai to go to mustafu, Ranpo and hirotsu,who was the one to drive as Mori wanted them to arrive musutafa without loads of road cromes,were waiting for dazai to arrive, the princess was probably late as always

After two minutes dazai finally arrived with a bag on his back,and he had these cute small hair clips with small star on the end of it on his hair.

Your hair looks cute with the hair clips~  Ranpo teased at him, dazai was blushing slightly in response

Awe~ thank you ranpo  Dazai said

We should go now, Dazai- san,Ranpo-san'' Hirostsu said to them, opening the door to the back seat of the car for them to get in and they got in the car sitting next to each other holding hands.

''Where were you'' Ranpo ask Dazai as Hirotsu started the car to drive to the boarder that sepreated yokohama from the rest of japan.

"I was with Elise and Yumeno" dazai said, looking at Ranpo for a minute beore turning to look out the window

Ranpo hummed at the answer befor looking at he hairclips on dazai's hair '' they put that on your hair didn't they'' he ask

I look beautiful don't I~ dazai said looking back at Ranpo and smiling

"Yes you look very beautiful" Ranpo said before kissing dazai ignorig the blush on dazai cheeks.


They had finally made it there Ranpo was currently putting away all of there belongings 

Ranpo where going to have to go shopping there nothing dazai whined. It seems so we also have to go clothes shopping ranpo answered

   kinda boring first chapter Ranpo needs to keep himself in check (expect with yandere and possesive ranpo<3)

        Also transmale dazai
Anyways thanks for reading the first chapter see ya in the next<3

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