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As Ranpo woke up, he felt a certain thing(or rather a person.) pressing against his chest.

He opens his eyes, and blink a couple of time to get use to the lighting. Then,he looked down to investigate.

His eyes widened and his face had a sight of blush on it he saw a familiar fluffy brown hair.

Dazai's was sleeping peacefully on his chest.

Ranpo to this moment to snap a picture of the sleeping brunette . He then began to move dazai of his chest and go out of the bed. He then took his clothes in on arm and went to the bathroom.

After taking a shower and getting ready, he's started making breakfast for the both of them.


Dazai flutter his eyes open he blink a few times to adjust to the light of the room.

He got up looking around for  a hot minute. He realized that the right side of the bed, was empty and that he was not on the side he usually slept on.

He got up and out of the bed and walk to the closed door of the room they had to share. He made up the bed and had gotten out of his sleep wear, he decided to wear a blue sweater and black sweatpants.  then he started doing his hair and put to cute crab hair clips on both side of his hair.

He opens the door and walked towards the kitchen. The first thing he noticed that Ranpo is all ready cooking breakfast.

what are you cooking ranpo? He then walked over to the counter and sat on top of it.

Eggs. Ranpo answered  before serving them to dazai.


After they were done they went to go shopping, both to get some groceries and clothes. As they only but had there sleepwear and a couple clothes they brought with them

As they made it to the the nearest mall it was much more bigger inside than the outside.

As dazai was scanning the mall he immediately went to the plush section of the store dragging poor Ranpo with him.

He suddenly lock eyes with a crab plushie dazai just head to get that plushies so he grab it and hug it to his chest.

Ranpo was chuckling at the sight of this and fond it adorable Ranpo the snap a picture of dazai holding the plushie to his chest with out him noticing.

After that they went to go clothes shopping once again dazai had already found a couple of cute outfits and began going to the changing room.

Ranpo then waiting patiently for dazai to come out the changing room and show him the outfit

Then finally came out with long sleeve shirt a corset and to top it off was with dress pants Ranpo blush at the sight of this he also to a couple pictures of him in different angles.


After getting the clothes and groceries (which was payed by Ranpo as Ranpo would not dare let his princess pay for it ) they were finally going to there house,

Ranpo was carrying most of the bag, while dazai was empty handed since Ranpo did not want him to carry any of them.

As they walking they ended up bumping into no other than pro hero Eraserhead what an funny coincidence since they were both was neighbors now

They both talk for a hot 5 minutes and said there good byes and enter there house

                                                                                           End of chapter 2

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