Chapter 1 (its so preppy and coquette 🌸🌺🎀✨)

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Ones upon a time, in the village of sigmaville, there lies a kingdom in the middle of the village. It was called the edgington kingdom. The royal members were:

King Edginger Edgington, Queen Edgelina Edgington, Prince Edgington Edgington, princess Edgna Edgington, Edgeward the servant, Heath Edger the Butler, the cat Mr. Sigma Rizzler Gyatt, and many more.

They were all sigma, and were considered the biggest rizzlers who had the most rizz. Their level 569 gyatts gave them extra charizzma and would make people edge. They had the biggest edging streaks, and the biggest mewing streaks. They never missed a day. If they did, they would be clapped to death.

They were sitting on the couch, Edgna was bouncing her GYATT on Edgington, and he said "oh yeah shake that gyatt oh yeah mmmmm mommy" And there was noises coming from King Edginger's room, which was odd since him and Edgelina slept in separate rooms, and they couldnt possibly have sex. Mr. Sigma Rizzler gyatt the cat was edging. Edgelina was cooking skibidi slicers and mystery meat.

"Guys we gotta eat" Queen Edgelina said.

After she said that, Kai Cenat busted in and shouted "GYAAAAAAAAAAAT" while riding skibidi toilet.

"Erm-what the sigma?" Edgeward and Heath Edger said at the same time.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAT" Kai Cenat shouted again.

"WHAT THE GYATT" shouted King Edginger from his room, as he sat on his level 569 gyatt and bounced on over, accidentally bouncing on Heath Edger and Edgeward, almost killing them.

"ITS A GYATMERGENCY" Kai Cenat shouted.

"Uhh we like gotta go" said Heath Edger

They all sat on their gyatts and bounced over to follow Kai Cenat.

To be continued...

SUPER SIGMA BRAINROT ROYAL STORY 🗣️🔥🔥Where stories live. Discover now