2: The Chaotic One

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As the city rests under the blanket of the night sky, its skyline becomes a mesmerizing tapestry of twinkling lights

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As the city rests under the blanket of the night sky, its skyline becomes a mesmerizing tapestry of twinkling lights. The soft glow of street lamps illuminates the quiet streets below, casting gentle shadows on the buildings and sidewalks. The air is crisp and still, carrying with it the faint scent of distant flowers and the faint murmur of nightlife.

In an apartment nestled among the bustling cityscape, a man lies peacefully in his bed, bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains. His rhythmic breathing is the only sound in the room, a testament to the tranquility of the night.

But suddenly, the tranquility is shattered by the persistent ringing of a phone. The man stirs, groggily reaching out to silence the disruptive sound. With a sigh, he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he fumbles for his phone on the bedside table. As the device comes to life in his hand, casting a soft blue glow across his face, he sees the caller ID flashing which led him cursing under his breath as he saw Jimin's name flashing.

If you ask Taehyung about his mental state at that moment, make sure to have a guarding shield ahead, because this man just wants to kill now.

"Bitch, do you realize it's practically the crack of dawn? What could possibly be so urgent?" Taehyung said annoyingly.

"Ha! Look who's talking, Mr. Secret Agent! You're not still in bed, are you? The worlds in peril, and you're snuggled up under the covers? Get your lazy ass up!" Jimin replied matching his tone

"Yeah, because thwarting evil plots totally doesn't require sleep, right? What's the emergency, Jimin?" he said, taking a comfortable position on the bed

"Emergency? Who said anything about an emergency? I just wanted to check if you're still alive, you good for nothing bitch. You've been MIA (Missing in Action) for days. Thought maybe you'd been abducted by aliens or something."

"Aliens? Please, the only alien invasion around here is your fashion sense, Shorty. Besides, I'm deep undercover. Can't have my cover blown because you decided to play late night detective." Taehyung was offended at this point

"Oh, please, you're about as undercover as a neon sign in Times Square. But hey, if you need some beauty sleep to maintain that rugged spy image of yours, I'll let you go back to counting sheep. I do care for you, my soulmate." Well, well the change of tone itself has ulterior motive

"You're one to talk, Mr. 'I woke up like this.' Alright, fine, spill it. What's the real reason you dragged me out of bed at this ungodly hour?"

"Alright, alright, don't get your spy gadgets in a twist. Just wanted to remind you that poker night's tonight. Don't forget to bring your lucky charm, or better yet, your lucky rabbit's foot."

"Ha! With my luck, the only thing that rabbit's foot would bring me is a swarm of angry bunnies. But fine, I'll be there. Just don't expect me to go easy on you at the table."

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