14: Dr. Sophia Marquez

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The Encounter at Club~

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The Encounter at Club~

The night was alive with the electric hum of Leticia's nightlife. Neon lights flickered outside the club, casting vibrant hues on the bustling street. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of alcohol and the pulse of bass-heavy music. Go Ara, disguised as Lee Hansol, navigated through the crowd with practiced ease, her eyes scanning the room for her target.

"Do you really think this is the right path? I mean she could one of them." Ara asked Jungkook through the Bluetooth Earpieces.

"She is the only sane person here." Jungkook replied because he knows everything about the Doctor, from birth to personal life to the present... everything.

Dr. Sophia Marquez, the brilliant yet disillusioned doctor, sat alone at the bar, nursing a cocktail. Her usually composed demeanor was replaced by a hint of melancholy, her shoulders slumped as she stared into the amber liquid. Go Ara took a deep breath and approached, her mind racing with the intricacies of her cover story.

"Dr. Marquez?" Ara called out, her voice a perfect blend of surprise and excitement.

Sophia looked up, her eyes widening in recognition. "Lee Hansol? What a coincidence!" she exclaimed, a smile breaking through her somber expression.

Ara slid onto the barstool next to her, ordering a drink to blend in. "I didn't expect to see you here. What are the odds?"

Sophia laughed, a sound that was more bitter than joyful. "Yeah, it's a small world, isn't it? Sometimes you just need a break from...everything."

Ara nodded sympathetically. "I get that. It's been a tough few days for me too, with my son being sick and all. I can't thank you enough for your help."

Sophia waved her hand dismissively. "It's nothing, really. Just doing my job."

They chatted casually for a while, the conversation flowing easily. Ara expertly steered the topics towards personal interests, building rapport with the doctor. As the night wore on, they ordered more drinks, and Sophia began to relax, her guard slowly dropping.

"You know," Sophia said, her words slightly slurred from the alcohol, "I used to love working at Medicore. It was my dream job. But now... now it's like a nightmare."

Ara leaned in, feigning concern. "What do you mean? Is it really that bad?"

Sophia sighed heavily, taking a long sip of her drink. "You have no idea. The place is rotten to the core. It used to be about helping people, you know? But now... it's all about power and control."

Ara's heart raced, sensing an opportunity. "That sounds awful. What happened?"

Sophia's eyes glazed over with a mix of anger and sadness. "It all changed under Dr. Zenobia Ariston. She's... she's something else. On the surface, she's charming, kind even. But underneath, she's ruthless. She'll do anything to maintain her grip on power."

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