Part : 34 Adorable drunkenness

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Wei Wuxian clicked his tongue, "Hanguang-Jun, you really have changed. Before, I drank a tiny jar in front of you, and you got so mad. You even threw me off the wall and hit me. Now, though, you're hiding jars of Emperor's Smile in your room and secretly drinking."

Fixing his collars, he answered in a calm voice, "I did not touch any jar of Emperor's Smile."

Wei Wuxian, "Why did you hide them if you're not drinking anything? Saving them for me? Fine, fine. You didn't touch them. I'll believe you, okay? Let's talk about something else. Come. I really need to see just how many cups would it take to make an abstinent disciple of the Gusu Lan Sect drunk."

He poured a bowl for Lan Wangji. Without any thought, Lan Wangji took it over and drank up. Wei Wuxian was unusually excited, staring at his face to see when it would turn red. Yet, even after he stared for a while, neither Lan Wangji's face color or expression changed, staring at him calmly with light- colored eyes. There wasn't any change at all!

Wei Wuxian was extremely disappointed. As he was about to urge him for another jar, suddenly, Lan Wangji frowned and lightly rubbed at between his brows. After a few moments, with a hand supporting his forehead, he closed his eyes.

... He fell asleep?

... He fell asleep!

After most people drank so much liquor, they should become drunk first, and then sleep. How could Lan Wangji skip the step of getting drunk and go to sleep immediately?!

"Drunken" was the part that he wanted to see!

Wei Wuxian waved at Lan Wangji, whose face remained serious even after he was asleep, then clapped beside his ears. There was no reaction.

Lan Wangji was surprisingly the type who collapses after just one bowl.

"Surprisingly? But you seen him drunk before." commented Nie huaisang.

"Looks like a-xian don't remember the incident." said Lan xichen.

"Don't i?" wondered Wei wuxian.

"A-niang have a bad memory." said Lan Sizhui although 'specially when it's come to a-die!' left unsaid.

"Ahh..." Wei wuxian kinda actually had bad memory.

Lan zhan sulked, how could his Wei ying forget one of their precious moments but as he remembered his behaviour from the incidents then he released he should feel happy since his beloved didn't remembered his embarrassing behaviour.

Wei Wuxian didn't expect this sort of situation to happen at all. Thinking as he shook his legs, he put Lan Wangji's right arm around his arm, and dragged him out of the liquor shop.

He had already familiarised himself with the action of fishing things from Lan Wangji. After taking out the pouch containing money, he found an inn and asked for two rooms. He carried Lan Wangji to one of the rooms, took off his boots, tucked him in, and slipped into the night.

Juniors relaxed, thank god that time Lan zhan did nothing scandalous.

"Lan zhan... Why did you sleep? I want to see, how you act when drunk..." Wei wuxian pouted.

"I also wonder the same." said Lan xichen.

"Trust me, you don't want to see." said Jin ling.


"Nothing!" replied Jin ling.

Stopping at a desolated area, Wei Wuxian took out his flute by his waist, placed it by his lips, and played a melody. After this, he waited silently.

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