𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕~🥀𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲🥀

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"Okay...what is it?" I asked Vox.

He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "Are. You. Fucking. Serious?!" He scolded.

I raised my hands defensively. "Okay...okay, you don't have to get all aggressive about it though," I muttered. "Really, what did I do this time?"

Vox rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. "Look, I know that you told me you were going out with your friends and Alastor and everything...but the fact that the two of you were alone together? And he asked you something personal?!"

I opened my mouth to protest.

"Y/N, your heart's in the right place, but you're just a little too trusting at times," he told me.

I looked down glumly. "Oh...okay..." I said.

Vox's expression softened. "Hey...look, I'm sorry. I just don't want you getting hurt," he said, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Just be more careful, promise?"

I nodded. "Okay, fine. I promise."

He smiled. "Good. Sorry for interrupting your little...session with Alastor," his expression darkened.

I raised an eyebrow. "No...are you jealous?" I teased, starting to laugh.

Vox's face turned red (or screen, more so?) "W-what?! No!! I—no!!" He stuttered.

"I know, I know...calm down. I was just teasing," I said, through chuckles.

Vox managed to calm himself down. "Yeah...I knew that."

I rolled my eyes at his childish attitude. "Well, I have to go back now," I told him.

Vox looked a little sad. "Oh...already?"

"Yeah...I've been gone for a long time now. I don't want to keep him waiting."


"Bye now," I said, waving.

"Bye Y/N..." he said a little glumly.

Huh...weird, he's been acting strange recently...

I shook my head in an attempt to brush it off.


I came back to the table and noticed everyone returned from the kitchen. They were all fixated on Niffty.

"Niffty, what the fuck were you thinking?!" Vaggie scolded.

"Sorryyyyy..." she said in a whiny voice.

I decided it was best not to get too involved in that and turned to Alastor, who was picking at his food.

"Uhm...sorry about that," I said nervously.

Alastor glanced up at me. "It's fine. Not really my business between what you and Vox have been...doing," he said.

Great, back to the "I'm-better-than-you-so-let-me-treat-you-like-utter-shit" Alastor.

Well! Two can play that game.

I smirked. "Why? Jealous?" I blurted out.

Alastor glared at me. "WHAT did you just say?"

It was at that moment that I knew...I fucked up.

"Hm? Nothing...I didn't say anything," I said quickly, stuffing a forkful of food into my mouth to keep myself from saying any more stupid shit.

Wait...is he jealous?

My stomach started to flutter and I grinned at the thought.

Wait...why the fuck am I grinning?! What is wrong with me?

I impatiently tapped my fork on the brim of my plate. Husk glanced over at me. "Y/N...are you okay?" He asked.

I looked up at him. "Me? Aha...no, not really..."

Husk gave me a knowing smile and patted my shoulder. It was a brief interaction, but you could tell he understood better than anyone at that table.


Well, lunch was certainly interesting...

I waved off the gang and headed out. "The Shining" is supposed to hit the library's shelves today!


I eagerly walked into the library with a skip in my step.

Stepping in, I noticed I was one of the few people here...not much competition, which was good, I'm early.

I walked to the horror section, skimming the book spines along the shelves for Stephen King's new book...

There it was.

I rushed over and took it off the shelf. The only copy in town...I got it! Haha—fuck yes!!

I sped and walked over to the checkout. "Just this," I said.

The librarian straightened her glasses and smiled at me. "Lucky, huh? This is our only copy," she told me with a motherly smile.

I grinned back.

"Don't let them see this," she said, pointing to a group of demons frantically searching around, no doubt for the new book.

"Got it, thank you ma'am," I said, bagging the book before anyone could see. I left in a hurry when I saw...a tall figure enter.

He was wearing all red and had a fuckass bob. I snickered.

"Nice haircut..." I muttered to myself.

"I'm sorry?" He replied, perking up.

..wait, Alastor?


A/N: If you didn't notice already, the chapter title  isn't in the fancy font I usually use

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A/N: If you didn't notice already, the chapter title  isn't in the fancy font I usually use. I normally but a filter on it through my laptop, but the WiFi crashed for it. So I'm posting this from my phone. :D

~angie 💙

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