Part : 36 In the Mist

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As Wei Wuxian walked down the path, he examined the surroundings carefully. At the city gates, he commented, "The feng shui is horrible."

Lan Wangji nodded without hurry, "Barren mountains and turbulent rivers."

Yi City was surrounded by steep cliffs on all sides. The cliffs tilted toward the center in an extreme manner, appearing both menacing and constricting, almost as if it would collapse any moment. Bound by these dark, massive peaks and enveloped in the ghostly white fog, it appeared even monstrous than monsters. Even simply standing here would make one feel anxious and suffocated, along with a strong sense of being threatened.

"Why does it appeared to be so terrifying?" questioned a disciple.

"It's not so terrifying." replied Lan Jingyi.

"If Jingyi is saying it then, it's actually not so bad..." said Zizhen but recieved a glare from Lan Jingyi.

Ever since the ancient times, there had been the saying that "the greatness of a person brings glory to their birthplace". The opposite saying was also present. In some places, because of the terrain or location, the feng shui would be exceptionally awful. Surrounded by a natural gust of sinister energy, it was easy for anyone who lived there to die early or be generally unlucky. If all of their ancestors dwelled there, then they'd be even more unfortunate. Also, irregularities such as living corpses or the return of souls. It was clear that Yi City was such a place.

Places like this were usually in secluded locations that weren't under the control of any cultivational sect. Of course, even if they were, sects wouldn't want to help either. Such situations really were annoying, even more annoying than the Waterborne Abyss. The Waterborne Abyss could be chased away. However, feng shui was difficult to change. If nobody wailed in front of their doors, the sects turned a blind eye and pretended that they didn't know.

For the city's residents, the easiest solution was to leave the place. But, if someone's family had been living at a secluded place for generations, it'd be almost impossible for them to make the decision to leave where they grew up. Even if five or six out of ten people would have short lives, maybe they would be the remaining three or four. It didn't seem too unbearable.

"I will never leave my birth place, no matters what." commented a disciple.

"Neither I will." commented another disciple.

"You will stay there only if you stay alive... I rather not to get killed." commented another disciple.

The two halted before the city gates and exchanged a look. Squeak. Supported by hinges on the verge of snapping, the two city doors, although being unable to align properly, slowly opened.

Before their eyes, there was neither bustling streets nor violent corpses. There was only an all-enveloping shade of white.

The fog was even a few times denser than the fog outside the city, allowing them to only see a long, straight street ahead of them. On the sides, there stood no passers, but only brooding houses.

The two of them naturally walked a few steps nearer to each other, and entered the city together.

It was still daytime, but no sound could be heard in the city. Aside from the lack of human voices, not a single note of caws or barks could be heard either. It was more than peculiar.

Then again, since this was the place where the left arm pointed, it'd be stranger if it weren't peculiar.

"It's actually the weirdest place I have ever seen." commented Nie huaisang.

𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 [] 𝐌𝐝𝐳𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now