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Devina exhaled deeply, feeling the chill of the cold bathwater clinging to her skin. She lingered for a moment on the bath's edge, the cool air a balm to her troubled mind, cleansing away the shadows of her nightmarish visions.

Rising, she reached for the clothes she had discarded earlier, only to be greeted by the pungent odor of lingering sweat. She wrinkled her nose, the aroma a tangible marker of her recent trials.

"I can't possibly wear these again," she grumbled into the quietude of the chamber. "Time to invest in some clothes that are of this century and have seen better days."

Her thoughts drifted momentarily to the day she had awoken in the cold stone crypt. It had been months, yet she remembered it as if it were yesterday-the confusion, the solitude, and awakening into a world that had moved on without her. Since that disorienting morning, she hadn't left the Day Court's borders, her knowledge of this era limited and her attire scarce. She knew that she would soon have to begin digging around to find out what had passed during her absence.

"No use clinging to the past," Devina mused, breaking free from the chains of memory. "In the meantime, I should perhaps find myself something to wear that won't clear out the room."

She quickly collected her meager possessions and headed for the stairs, the worn wooden planks creaking a familiar tune beneath her steps. The innkeeper, a reliably friendly presence, greeted her with his usual good-natured nod as she approached the modest bar that doubled as the morning's makeshift dining area.

"A bite to eat, if you don't mind. And could you point me in the direction of a decent clothier? I find myself-" She paused, glancing down at her travel-worn attire, "-in dire need of a wardrobe that doesn't smell like it's been through a war."

The innkeeper let out a hearty laugh, wiping his hands on his apron before replying. "Of course, miss! You'll find Elara's Boutique just down the street. Elara's touch is said to be blessed by Graces-if you believe in such things." "Thank you," Devina replied with a small smile.

Devina's meal arrived with expediency, the innkeeper offering a curt nod before leaving her to the solitude of her breakfast. However, as she began to eat, an all-too-familiar sound interrupted her peace-the sound of whistles directed at her from across the room. She took a deep breath and focused on her food, trying to ignore them.

The stares and unwanted advances had become an unwelcome norm since she had woken from her extended slumber. Back in her day, men didn't behave so brazenly, or maybe they had, and she simply had been away from the world too long to remember clearly. She reflected on her choice of glamour, intended to deflect attention, not invite it.

"Perhaps I should have chosen something less... noticeable," she whispered to herself, her eyes flicking toward the source of the disturbance with veiled annoyance. A thought struck her, and a playful smirk appeared on her face despite her irritation.

"Perhaps next time, I'll opt for something less appealing-like a wraith," Devina mused quietly. Her smirk grew as another possibility crossed her mind.

"Or better yet, something even more disturbing - a man."

The idea amused her, the corners of her mouth twitching into a smile as she contemplated the absurd idea, her laughter a soft sound amidst the morning chatter of the inn.

Her laughter was short-lived as she reminded herself that not all men were cut from the same coarse cloth. Nevertheless, the encounters had etched a caution into her, guiding her interactions with a sensible distance. "A glance too long is an invitation some can't resist," she said, standing and smoothing her clothes.

Devina emerged from the inn and stepped lightly into the lively thrum of the market. Shops of all kinds jostled for space, each calling for attention with vibrant signs and the aromatic promise of wares. She surveyed her surroundings with a discerning eye until the boutique recommended by the innkeeper captured her gaze. Pushing the door open, the tinkling bell announced her entrance, and she was swiftly engulfed by the vivacious greeting of the shop's proprietor.

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