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VAERA RUSHED through the halls of the Red Keep in nothing but her nightgown, a robe, and her slippers, tears streaking down her face. She ignored the calls from her sworn protector, Ser Robb, as she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. The double doors of Rhaenyra's chambers were in sight, she was almost there, she could protect her-

She was swept up in the arms of her father, a poorly-concealed look of concern on his face. Any tears Vaera held in fell as she cried for her Kepa. Father.

"Shh, my sweet Vaera," Ser Laenor cooed as his daughter wept into his chest. "You should be abed, tala." Daughter.

Vaera was inconsolable, babbling incoherently as tears and snot spilled down her face. The only words Laenor could pick out were Muña, hurting, and help her.

Laenor's heart clenched at the way his daughter worried so haplessly for her mother. He reached his hand up and tucked an errant curl behind her ear. "Muña's alright, sweet girl. She's just getting ready to say hello to your new sibling," he said soothingly. Vaera's cries did not subside as he carried her into his solar. He sat down on the settee, letting the girl settle into her father's lap, clinging to his neck for dear life. He smoothed his hand over her head, stroking her silver ringlets to calm her.

Once her wails had died down to small whimpers, she sniffled. "Is Muña going to die?" Her voice was so small, as if she were afraid of even voicing her deepest fear.

Laenor quickly moved so he was looking directly into her glassy eyes, shaking his head vehemently. "No, no, no, sweet girl. Your mother is not going anywhere, Vaera," he whispered. The girl's lips began to tremble, breaking Laenor's heart even further. "Come here, my love." He urged his daughter back into his chest, softly singing a Valyrian folksong that his mother, Princess Rhaenys, sang to him when he was but a boy. His velvet doublet smelled like wine and the incense that was almost constantly lit in his solar. To Vaera, it smelled like home.

Eventually, Vaera was lulled into a fitful sleep, only stirring softly to her mother's occasional screams. Laenor, however, remained awake, standing vigil over her.

When Vaera woke, it was to her brothers poking at her curiously while she laid in their father's lap. She blinked owlishly, rubbing at her eyes to see Jace and Luke looking at her excitedly. She turned to the open windows, noting how the sun was nearly at its crest in the sky.

"You're finally awake!" said Jace.

Vaera groaned, nuzzling further into Laenor's chest. "Why must you disturb me so?" she asked.

"Ser Harwin has offered to take us to the Dragonpit to pick out an egg for the baby!" Luke announced. "And since you're the big sister, you have to come, too!"

"Sounds like a great idea, boys," Laenor said with a wistful smile. He ran his hands up and down Vaera's arms, gently coaxing her awake. "How does that sound, Vaera? It'll do you well to get out of the Keep for a while."

Vaera looked between her brothers and her father, reluctant to leave her mother while she's in such a condition. Her screams echoing in the background only made this worse. She turned to Laenor, looking at him worriedly. "You'll send for us as soon as the babe is here?" she asked.

Laenor nodded. "I swear it, tala."

After a moment, she noded as well, sliding off of Laenor's lap.

Once she changed into her day clothes, she joined her brothers and Ser Harwin as they ventured through the city by carriage. Her fear for Rhaenyra still nagged at the back of her mind, but Jace and Luke's antics kept her well distracted - as did Ser Harwin, who entertained her every curious whim and answered every question, no matter how annoying.

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