Chapter 39

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~Adora Rossi's Perspective~ 

Evi and I woke up with an hour and a half to the drop. We ordered in brunch from a nearby diner and began to help crew set up their equipment and before we knew it, the 5-minute countdown was up on the television.

"Five minutes til drop. Is everyone online? Graciella, monitor Twitter please since that'll be the central feedback point. Places everyone, places!" Delanie yelled, crew finding their way to their laptops on the kitchen island. Evi and I watched social media, comments flocking in on every platform. 

"I can't wait to see his live reaction. Oh! Turn it on, Delanie, this is PR for Christ's sake. We watch her boyfriend's reaction to her being too scared to admit her feelings and how he initiates the soft launch and you guys watch numbers," Evi cheered, her smile bright and energy high. She was definitely my peace of mind. 

"You seem more excited than me, Vi," I laughed, the rest of the crew not minding our nonsense as they refreshed their pages. One minute left til drop.

"Of course I am, just wait til the all-exclusive tomorrow. The drivers will be there and a ton of A-Lists. Talk about Networking and then getting too drunk to stand!" I laughed as she ran upstairs, returning with her personal laptop and firing up Twitch. She loaded into Charles' stream, him zipping around a track while laughing with some of the other drivers. Comments flooded talking about the release of the album, his eyes looking over to the chat every few seconds.

"We're watching it together chat just let me put Mr. Norris back in his place," he laughed, the drivers beginning to argue with microphone qualities ranging. He soon won the race in the video game, with 10 seconds left til the drop of the album.

"Did you give him that specialized album?" Delanie asked, peeking over Evi and I's shoulders to look at the stream.

"Yes, he seemed very excited about it. I think that's why his camera shut off. I think he's grabbing it." Soon he returned with the box, a smile on his face.

"Chat, Adora got me a special album to unbox with you all before we listen to her album. Are you guys ready?" Chat began to move at light speed, many asking for him to open it.

12:00:00. The album officially released worldwide. 

"Alright, alright, let's get on with it." He ripped the package open, revealing the album that was designed like a fairytale book. He flipped the cover open, revealing my signature along with a kiss mark on the cover. "Look, chat, her signature!" He continued flipping through the pages, showing his audience the concept book. "Look at all of this, she looks- she did an amazing job putting this together."

"Oh he's in love with you. Clearly, he's finding it difficult to contain it in front of an audience, even if it's a virtual one." We laughed as we watched the stream, him showcasing every songs different concept along with the little notes. He quickly showed the paper that was in the box with the album, which I made so my listeners could predict the meaning of every song or write what it meant to them.

"Adora, we've got immense positive feedback. Radio stations are already sending emails about getting your music on air. Podcast opportunity as well. Fans are asking for either a worldwide tour this upcoming year or for you to do a mini tour where you go in-depth with the concept, allowing them to ask questions. We can discuss later but I think a world tour would be a great starting point."

"Right. We discussed earlier this year about aligning my tours with the races. Anyway we can make that happen? In weeks between races do missed countries or major cities, wherever the demographic is?" I looked to Delanie, who quickly punched numbers into a spreadsheet.

"That should be good. Nicolas wants you at the Paddock again this year since you helped Charles focus on racing more this last season so that'll also bring press too. Maybe we can have you sing the National Anthem at one of the US races. I'll talk to race coordinators about that. Or Miami have a performance? That would be good," she spoke aloud. While it definitely concerned me, it was more to help her make mental note of what she would be getting up to.

"Adora, Chanel wants a collab line. Can I get minor sketches from you? Something related to the concepts of this album. Send them in by next week so we can get you on Vogue front cover in a custom line created for you." I gave Graciella a thumbs up, her fingers typing quickly on the keyboard in front of her.

"We're at 230%. Our numbers are much higher than projected! What's our Twitter status?"

I watched as the main monitor in front of the crew started displaying tweets from various people and brands, positive feedback throughout.

#TheMuse Our very own Paddock singer releasing yet another fantastic album!

Everytime I listen to @adorarossi I think it can't get any better, but it always does. Amazing job on the album! #TheMuse

I don't understand the hate on Adora Rossi. Another fantastic album that just shows while she might've been at the races, she was still invested in her own career. #TheMuse

@adorarossi has released #TheMuse! What a great day for music. Well done Adora for setting a new standard in music production!

Didn't listen to her until she sang on Charles' radio but Adora Rossi has killed it with #TheMuse. Talk about an insanely talented artist. Now let's talk about those lyrics...

Meeting @adorarossi and getting to interview her was such a blessing. Not only is she incredibly sweet, but also clearly talented. Miss you girl! Congrats on #TheMuse!

I smiled as they continued to scroll through Twitter's trending feed, a sense of pride overwashing me as it all talked about how much everyone enjoyed the album. I looked to Evi who was already staring at me with a smile, the strands of her hair tugged behind her ears.

"I'm so proud of you, Adora."

Word Count: 1,020

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