Chapter 9: Standing Ground

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Chapter 9: Standing Ground

Leyla and Emmad sat at the breakfast table, the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the room. Emmad was still thinking about their conversation earlier that morning, but before he could say anything, his bhabi entered the kitchen. Her eyes widened in disapproval as she saw Leyla in her scrubs.

"Leyla, what is this?" Bhabi's voice was sharp, cutting through the peaceful morning. "You're going to work? You should be at home, especially right after your wedding."

Leyla felt a surge of anger rising. She opened her mouth to respond, but Emmad quickly placed his hand on hers, silently urging her to stay calm. Leyla looked at him, her eyes flashing with defiance. She wasn't one to be silenced.

"Bhabi," she began, her tone polite but firm, "I appreciate your concern, but my work is important. Just because I'm married doesn't mean I should stop being who I am."

Bhabi's face reddened with anger. "This is not how things are done in our family. You have responsibilities here now."

Leyla's grip tightened around her coffee mug. "And I have responsibilities at the hospital too. People depend on me there."

Before Bhabi could respond, Leyla stood up, her chair scraping against the floor. "I need to get to work. Excuse me."

She grabbed her bag and walked out of the kitchen, not looking back. Emmad sighed, knowing that this confrontation was just the beginning.

Leyla's day at the hospital was a whirlwind of activity. She moved from patient to patient, her mind focused on her duties. The morning's altercation still lingered in the back of her mind, but she pushed it aside. There was no room for distractions in the ER.

Meanwhile, Emmad was in his office, a sleek high-rise building in the city center. As the CEO of his company, his day was filled with high-stakes decisions, meetings with board members, and overseeing major projects. Yet, despite the demanding nature of his work, he couldn't stop thinking about Leyla. He admired her strength and dedication but worried about the pressure she faced.

As evening approached, Emmad decided to pick Leyla up from the hospital. He wanted to talk to her, to make sure she was okay. He parked outside the hospital and waited, watching the steady stream of doctors and nurses leaving after their shifts.

Finally, he saw her. Leyla walked out with her friend Sarah, both of them chatting animatedly. Emmad stepped out of the car, ready to greet her, but Leyla's expression hardened when she saw him. Without a word, she walked past him and got into Sarah's car.

Emmad watched as Sarah's car pulled away, a mixture of confusion and hurt washing over him. He knew they needed to talk, but it seemed like Leyla wasn't ready yet. Sighing, he sat in his car driving home.

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