6| Ulfat

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🦢 Nigahon mei rahun ya bahon mei rahun,
Mai kabhi na kahi pe jaun,
Iraada hai mera, ye wada hai mera,
Na kabhi mai tujhe tadpaun 🦢

🦢 Nigahon mei rahun ya bahon mei rahun,Mai kabhi na kahi pe jaun,Iraada hai mera, ye wada hai mera,Na kabhi mai tujhe tadpaun 🦢

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Arjun and Maya were sitting in silence due to the gravity of what he just told her.

"What do you mean? Zoya was assassinated?" Maya broke the silence after a couple moment passed.

"Yes." Arjun replied in a dark voice.

Maya grabbed his hands and gave them a small squeeze.

"As much as I want to know what really happened, I'm not going to force you to share. You can tell me if and whenever you decide to let me in." Maya cupped his face and said these words in a low voice.

"No, no. I need to tell you whatever happened." Arjun said.

"No, really, I'm fine. You can tell me whenever you feel like it." Maya reassured him.

"No Maya. You see, I don't have the luxury of a choice anymore. As much as I try to keep you away from this world, I cannot change the fact that you are now a very pivotal part of it. I always knew how as my wife you'll be a target to people but I guess the gravity of the situation hadn't got to me yet." Arjun started.

"3 year back, one day Zoya was out having lunch with a friend in the city. When they wrapped up their lunch and parted ways, Zoya had to walk a minor distance to get to where the car was parked. As she was on the way, a bullet was shot at her, right in the middle of her head. The gun had a silencer and hence no one heard it being fired. The area where she was had no one to bear witness to the scene. Her bodyguards failed in finding the assassin who was responsible for it. I was in a board meeting when I received the call." Arjun took a deep breath as the memories of that dreadful day ran across his mind.

He had met Zoya in a coffee shop when their orders got exchanged by the barista's mistake. They started talking that day and ended up exchanging numbers. A few dates down, they already knew this was something more than just casual dating. What started as a meet cute, ended in blood for the poor innocent soul of Zoya.

"Aashna was suddenly without a mother at the tender age of 8 months. I was in no position to handle myself, let along my barely one-year-young daughter. I relied heavily on the support of my parents and therapy to recover from whatever happened. The timely medicines, my parents' never-ending love and those long therapy sessions helped me to accept the absence of Zoya in my life. After almost 6 months of mourning her, I shifted all my focus to Aashna and my business, never wanting to spare attention to anything else in my life." Arjun continued.

"You know what's the worst thing, I never let Zoya know about my other profession. I always led a double life with her, keeping her in the dark about my ties to the underworld. I never would've guessed it would've cost me so much. She died without even knowing what she was dying after. After her, I drowned myself in my work and my duties towards my daughter and dare I say, I was okay with living alone but that was all before you walked in my life, Maya."

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