Withered Away

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Flowers, such a peculiar thing. It comes in many colours and symbolizes a lot of things. Most of them had a stunning beautiful petals, one that can caught one's eyes.

But be careful, not every flowers are friendly. They may be beautiful but they hide secrets that can hurt you.

Remember. Roses maybe beautiful, but once you get to know it, you will know that it hides many thorns

How about you? What do you think your flower is?

He averted his gaze from the book, then blankly stare at the flower on the table. Its once white colored petals was now tainted with brown and now falling apart.

He used to like this flower, because it symbolizes innocence. It reminds him of something or someone, but at the same time, it gives him that unpleasant feelings.

The yellow boy stand up and approach the flowers, as he did, flashes of memories starts to flood his mind.

"What is this?", solar asked as he gave thorn a confused look

"I'm just giving flowers HAHA oh! And i also have one too-, the cheeky boy answered showing the flower on his hand. Ah. A beautiful white daisies and lilies.

- say, say! How about we exchange flowers?" , he added as a wide smile plastered on his face

The younger couldn't resists his own brother demand, so they did exchanged.

Thorn handed him his white lilies and daisies.

And he gave him the white hydrangeas he was holding.

"This flower symbolizes me sol! So better take care of it? Just treat this like you treat me!" , the young lad explained as he skipped away

The scene was altered and a new memories appear.

"I'm sorry solar, he...." , gempa trailed off as tears starts pouring from his eyes.

Solar didn't want to accept any of this.... Why? Why isn't he the one? Why it must be him? Is he not a good little brother? Thorn has always been a good boy right? Why faith must chose him? He didn't deserve any of this. He was supposed to be the strongest yet why he couldn't protect his brother?

Questions started to flood his thoughts as he looked at his brother laying on the ground lifeless

"My flower", he mumbled as he sobbed and let his emotions all out.

The young latter bound himself in grief.

But they are wrong, he will bring his brother back. No matter what cost,

Even his own life.

Soon he noticed how the flower displayed on the table starting to wither, like its following him. Why can't he bring to throw it out? Mmm..

Maybe because it's holds the memory he's been trying to suppress for a long time.

'treat this like you treat me!' , thorns word echoed in his mind.

"Ahh... I better take care of it quickly, or thorn would be upset"


A/N: My first story cuz why not coconut? It just randomly pop up on my mind fr, there's a lot of stories that has been rottin on my draft.

If notice any wrong grammars or spellings pls remind me :) (I'm careless asf)

You can request on me cuz im lowkey bored :))

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