8 "high price"

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The weather has deteriorated significantly. A terrible snowstorm enveloped Ninjago, and the sky darkened, making the situation worse. Friends stood at the end of the bridge, which simply broke off, because no one had ever completed it. It seems like these are their last minutes...
- Fire! - Morro shouted with all his might and smiled widely. He waited and waited and hatched this plan for a long time to finally take revenge on Wu and get rid of the ninja. And this moment, but a huge black ball flies out not into frightened friends on the bridge, but into the frozen water. The ice cracks and scatters in different directions, opening up a huge space for water, but the ninjas is safe and sound.
- What the hell?! - Morro did not understand, or rather did not notice, how Kai managed to slightly change the direction of the cannon, causing it to shoot not at the target, but to the side, into the water.
The ninja were happy to see their friend, but not for long. They froze in fear when Morro pointed his weapon at the fire master who stood on the edge, very close to the water.
- Kai! - the last thing Nya managed to say before the shot.
- Fire!
The cannon fired. Some of the planks on which the city stood scattered into splinters and fell into the water.
- Kai... - the ninja seemed to hear only the roar in their ears and each other’s heartbeat. They were shocked.
- This can’t be... - Lloyd peered carefully into the ruins, wanting to find a friend there, but at the same time fearing to find him dead.
Nya turned away so as not to show the tears that had welled up, and Jay tried to console her.
- Well? Now you! - Morro's laughter rang out again in the midst of the tragic silence...

- He is alive! - Cole saw Kai, who was lying on a small board floating in the water.
Kai tried to stand up, trying to keep his balance. It was clear how hard it was for him, but did he have a choice?
- Alive?! - This made Morro very angry, but a second later he changed his plan, - Yes, I need him alive. Grab him!
- No! - Nya ran to her brother to help while Morro didn’t see it, but it was too late. Right before her nose, Kai, Morro and his assistants disappeared.
- Where did they go? Lloyd asked as he and the others ran up to her.
- I don’t know, - Nia was very upset.
- Why did he take Kai? For what? - Cole thought, - I thought that his goal was to destroy us all.
- We all thought so, but these ghosts are so unpredictable! - Jay was indignant.
- Master Wu! - Lloyd saw the teacher lying next to him, who was unconscious, - Master Wu, wake up!
- He needs an antidote to hypnosis, - Zane said, - I assume that it is in the temple, in the tea supplies.
- I have no doubt that Wu always has tea for all occasions, - Jay helped Cole lift the teacher and drag him to the car in which they all arrived.
- Then we’ll go to the temple urgently, - Lloyd commanded, sadly looking at the ruined parts of the bridge and the city.
- I wonder who will fix it all? - Jay shook his head to the sides, - It's a good thing I'm a ninja and not a builder.
- Sometimes I think it’s much easier to be some kind of construction builder...- Lloyd sighed before the car moved and all the ninjas went to the temple. We can say that they completed their mission - they found a teacher, but at what price? At the price of Kai...

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