10 "to the igloo"

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And the ninjas kept walking and walking and walking... through huge snowdrifts and wind. Ahead one could see a scarlet sunset, snow and nothing else. The friends had been walking for about an hour and were very tired.
- Well, it’s still a long way to go, huh? - Jay asked, walking last.
- No, a little more! - Lloyd shouted, it was hard to hear him because of the wind.
- Yes, how much is possible?!
- To be honest, I can’t do it anymore, -  Nya fell to her knees exhaustedly and exhaled.
- We can’t waste time, - Lloyd tried to see the Temple of Darkness in the distance, but, unfortunately, it was not visible there.
- Lloyd, if we don’t take a break, this could lead to unpleasant consequences, -  Zane said, only he was not cold, because he is a nindroid, - I can go forward while you rest.
- Okay, okay, -  the green ninja agreed, - But we need shelter.
- No problem, -  Zane, using his powers, made an igloo (house) out of ice, - You can hide from the wind.
- Wow, this is our own snow house! - Jay was delighted and was the first to enter the igloo.
- This is really what we need now. Zane, this is cool,-  Nya smiled and also went inside.
- You're welcome, -  the ice master turned around and continued on his way.
- Good luck, Zane, - Lloyd followed him with his gaze, and together with Cole they also went into the house.
- Not bad, -  Cole grinned, paying attention to the space, - And the wind doesn’t blow at all. Which means we can have a snack!
- How? Snack on snow? We didn’t take food with us, - Jay said disappointedly and drew something in the snow. - If you want, I can make you a snow sandwich.
- Why have a snow sandwich if you have a real one? - the black ninja took food out of his backpack, which made everyone very happy.
- Thank you, I thought I would go crazy from hunger, - Nya calmly chewed her sengwich and drank tea.
- Well, I was responsible for the food.
- This is all great, of course, but guys, we can’t sit here for long,- Lloyd interrupted the joyful conversation of his friends, - Zane continues to walk in case we don’t make it. He can try to help Kai with something.
- You’re right, we don’t have much time, - Cole finished his portion, - We need to go.
When all the ninja had eaten, they still continued to go to help Kai.
- Oh, goodbye dear little house,- Jay said, and the friends parted with the igloo forever...

Kai is exhausted. He is alone, locked in some room. He didn’t know where he was, what this place was, why Morro locked him here, but he knew that he would definitely be able to get out of here. It's just a room made of rotten boards.
- Apparently, it’s a very old building, maybe even a temple, - Kai tried to catch his breath from the battle, leaning on the wall. Of course, he could get out right now, but... it would be worth accumulating strength in any case.
- I need to call someone, - the ninja ran his hand through his pockets, but found that there was no phone.
Kai turned his gaze to the boarded-up window, through which the rays of sunset still squeezed into the room, to try to understand where he was. But as soon as the fire master took the first step, he immediately grimaced in pain. When the pain subsided a little, Kai realized that his leg was very badly wounded.
- This is damn bad!
This could have interfered with his escape plan, but the ninja didn’t even think about giving up. After waiting a little more time and making sure that Morro was not behind the wall or next to the door, Kai lit a fire in his hand and looked at the wall. He didn’t know what exactly was waiting for him behind the wall, whether they would chase him or whether no one would notice him, but he had to take a risk.
- I need to do this...
The ninja sets the room on fire. The fire covers half the room in a couple of minutes, and through the resulting hole it runs out into the street.
Kai runs as fast as he can, ignoring the hellish pain. But a little later he realizes that he doesn’t hear any steps from behind, which means no one is chasing him. To make sure of this, the fire master turns around, now he realized where he had been all this time - he was in the Temple of Darkness. Why did Morro drag him there? This is undoubtedly an interesting question, but there was no time to think about it now. Kai continued to run, occasionally looking back at the burning building...
How long Kai ran, he himself did not know, he also did not know where he was going, but still he did not regret his decision.
It got completely dark, and Kai was already falling off his feet. But could he simply fall asleep in the middle of the cold snow and become an easy prey for his enemies?
- What it is...? - the master of fire saw something big ahead. He cautiously came closer and saw the snowy house.
- I think these things are called “igloos,” - the ninja looked inside, hoping not to see anyone there. And there really was no one there.
Kai thought that he could rest here and still take a closer look at his wound. He sat down in the snow and felt his eyelids getting heavy, but now was clearly not the right time for sleep. Kai ran his hand along the “floor” and found someone’s crumbs, and next to him a smiley face and a lightning bolt drawn on the snow. He understood everything... his friends were here. Yes, right here.
- Where are they now? - the master of fire sighed and was lost in his thoughts, but then he again felt pain in his leg when he tried to sit in the lotus position.
- O... shit, - Kai carefully rolled up his wet trouser leg, simultaneously emitting exhausted grunts. Blood, a wound - that's all Kai saw, but why then how much does it hurt?
The ninja was tired, he leaned his elbows against the wall of the igloo and immediately fell asleep, unnoticed by himself, although he was about to set off on his journey further...

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