[A New World] : A New Order (Ch1: When the giant slept)

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121st Rifle division.[Korea]

A soldier peers through his binoculars towards the northern side of the border and scans the tree line again, his m16a2 slung to his side of his m81 camo PASGT vest.

Seeing nothing of course, he lowers his binoculars and looks next to him towards his sleeping patrol buddy, their m81 woodland camo making them pretty hard to see in the cold dark.

They both had agreed to a buddy system of sleeping. One would get at least two hours of sleep while the other would stand watch and answer any calls or hails from the radio.

Turning his attention to his watch and seeing that his buddy still had an hour and thirty minutes of sleep left, he decided a smoke would be great.

Reaching for one of his Alice pouches, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and opens it, "Damn, only four left...I need to buy more when I rotate into town." He says to himself while lighting a cigarette with a match and placing it between his lips.

A slight breeze hits him and he puffs out the smoke while inhaling the fresh breeze that passes by him.

Then, suddenly, he's eyes start to drop and body starts to feel colder than usual and he slumps to the side of the foxhole, however he quickly regains control of himself and shoots his eyes awake, "what the fuck..." he says to himself, "why am I feeling this just now?" He asks himself right before his eyes start to fall again.

"Maybe...maybe just a five minute nap...yeah...just five minutes." He says to himself as he slowly drifts off to sleep. And the foxhole goes dark.

33rd Armored Cavalry Platoon. [Europe]

A tanker commander looks through his m60a2 Starship's cupola para scope out towards the great plains of the Fulda Gap while squinting his eyes in an attempt to see out of the tank without night vision. Seeing nothing, he slumps back down to his chair and takes a sip of his coffee.

"Hey K, how ya holding up?" He asks K, the tank driver.

"Pretty good...*Yawn* But I think I might need to get some sleep soon." He says.

"Hold on there buddy, it's almost our turn." He says as he stands back up to look at the tank's cupola again.

Looking around, his attention turns towards the other Starships dug in like theirs. Then, an idea pops up in his mind as he reaches for the tank's built-in radio.

Then, suddenly, his eyes start to droop, he starts to feel cold, and he slumps down onto his chair, "what the-" he says to himself as he picks up the coffee mug and downs the whole mug, yet he still feels sleepy with a cold feeling creeping up his spine.

"Hey K, I don't feel too good, are you-." Before he finishes he sentence, he could hear the faint noise of his driver snoring with the rest of his crew, and soon he joins them.

7th fleet. [Pacific]

"Bring us 18 west." A captain stands tall on the bridge of the world's mightiest aircraft carrier.

"18 west." His helmsman repeats and the carrier strike group slowly starts bearing towards where he had commanded.

The sky is slightly cloudy, yet still clear enough for some sunlight as he puts on his sunglasses while walking to the closest window.

Looking down from the bridge, he could see the f-8 Crusaders and F-14 Tomcats parked on the carrier's runway as crewmen ran around like ants performing their duties flawlessly.

Turning his attention to the open sea, he looks towards the escort next to the carrier, a support vessel, a couple frigates and the invisible threat of the sub which is always under them...until they need a resupply of food or fresh air of course.

[A NEW WORLD] : A NEW ORDERWhere stories live. Discover now