my little broken heart

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- Ariana's POV -

Brushing trough my long brown hair I look in the mirror at my outfit. Im wearing some white lace shorts and a cute white crop top and white sneakers. My hair is down and my makeup is light and looks natural.

As I'm getting ready I get more and more nervous to meet Justin, I mean does he expect us to kiss again? Do he expect something more? Is this a date? So many questions are overflowing my head and I'm so anxious.

Grabbing my phone and car keys I head for my car and start driving towards the park. The sky is clear blue with no skies in sight, its all around a good day so far. Taking some deep breaths I take in the moment as my nervousness slip over to happiness. Don't know why but just the thought of meeting Justin at the park makes me existed, it gives me butterflies in my stomach.


Parking my car I start walking into the park, walking under the beautiful trees filled with flowers on my way towards the pound where I'm supposed to meet Justin.

An old couple walks by me hand in hand and I can feel the love in the air its just a loving day all around.

My mood turn quickly as I stop dead in my track as I'm about to take the left way towards the pound I see something I never trough I would. Some tears start to fall from my face and it feels like my heart is chattered into a million pices.

Justin is kissing someone else. Someone else as in Selena. I trough he was over her, I trough that maybe we had something. What I know now is that I'm stupid. Im so stupid who could fall for that crap. He is a guy just like every other guy. Totally unreliable.

Quickly walking away before he notices me I walk fast to the far corner of the park sitting down on a bench with my head In my hands crying from a broken heart.

- Sean's POV -

Walking around with Zeno I feel bored as hell and stupid. I mean this is just stupid and pointless. Whats the fucking point with walking around here? It's not like this will get me my girl back...

«Man. Over there» Zeno nudge me and point towards a figure who is sitting on the bench «its Ariana»

Ariana. She is here. But she also looks sad. My poor baby.

Calmly we walk over to her and I squat down in front of her brushing her hair behind her ear «hey there beautiful. Whats wrong?» it comes out more concerned that I intended too but I don't care.

She looks at me and whip her tears away «its nothing I'm just stupid.»

«Hey, you could never be stupid. Tell me whats going on» I push

Sighing she gives in «fine.. Its just... something happened... I don't want to give you details but briefly speaking I was asked here under false pretenses. So I'm upset.»


She shakes her head «no Sean. Im sorry. I just... its just... can you just hug me. I could need that»

«Yeah no problem» leaning forward I wrap her up tight in my arms holding her close, taking in her scent. A scent I've been missing like hell. You know what maybe this is a sign. Maybe it's a sign she isn't over me? Maybe this is a sign I have a shot at getting her back. I know it may be a long shot but a shot is better than no shot.

- Ariana's POV -

Sean and Zeno follow me to my car where Sean open the door for me and kisses my hand. It felt tingly and shots sparks up my body which I think he could feel too. «Bye you two. Thanks for... you know just... thanks» giving them a weak smile before I drive away.


Pulling up in my driveway I get a text from Justin

Justin - hey you stood me up. Where are you?

Ariana - no... just no Justin. Go screw yourself. I saw you kissing Selena. Im over it... you're pathetic playing two women at the same time. You played me and I fell for it. Just leave me the hell alone.

Justin - Ariana what the hell? So what she kissed me no big deal. She asked to meet up and talk and I said yes.. And why didn't you just come up to us. What did you expect I'm not your property I can kiss whoever damn I want.

Ariana - okay now you're being an asshole. Just stay the hell away from me. You're having this sudden shift of attitude which you always get when Selena is involved. Just if you want to be with her fine I don't care. But at least have the decency to tell me instead of leading me on.

What the hell is up with him? I mean this happens every fucking time he gets involved with Selena. He becomes cooky and rude. She has such a bad influence on him but he don't give a crap. Its just so confusing and I feel like I cant breath. It's becoming so hard to handle this I just need a break, a little space so I can relax and breath.


life update: 

not much to say other than that my problems with food is getting worse. I'm not eating and Im trowing up what i drink. to make matter worse I'm exercising on an empty stomach. 

I update every:

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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl Christinaasland (link can be found in my bio at twitter)

Tumblr: 1999christina

-Xoxo Christina

Don't let me go - sequel to "love me like you do" (ariana grande and big sean)Where stories live. Discover now