midnight in Paris part 1

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I have a little clarification for those two who where discussing me on twitter. This book has always and will always be a Seaniana book. I have no intention of changing that. Justin just makes a good storyline. And I am a seaniana shipper and I loved them together. But I will always ship Ariana with whoever makes her happy. And I honestly don't care who it is. 


- Ariana's POV-

Looking out of the airplane window I feel free. Just watching the world pass by fast beneath me has a calming feeling about it. Even more calming is that I'm alone, well my bodyguard is with me but thats it. Im excited to take some time for me, I bearly get that.

«Passengers please fasten your seat belts we are now approaching Paris, the city of love»

- Sean's POV -

She is my one and only, I know it, I need her in my life. Why cant Justin just butt out and let me and her be together in peace. He is just in the way of our love.

I walk trough the hotel halls on my way to Ariana's room when I bump into Justin who seems to be on the same path as me. We don't exchange any words, just roll our eyes at one another.

Joan open Ariana's hotel door to my surprise. «Hi boys come on in» she says friendly as usual.

Looking around the room I only spot two people, Scooter and Joan but no Ariana. Where is she? Where is my girl?

«Where Is Ariana?» both me and Justin ask at the same time?

Scooter step towards us and sigh «she isn't here. She got on a flight to Paris this morning. She said something about needing room to breath.»

- Ariana's POV -

I lay on my big bed at the hotel in Paris with my head in Alexa's lap wile she brushes trough my hair with her fingers. « Ariana who are you going to pick? You cant keep up this up forever. By this I mean playing them. Cause thats what you're doing. Im sorry to say it but you need to make up your mind. Because they are good guys, and you're a good girl.»

«I just cant! I don't know what to do, I don't want to be in this position»

She sighs «and thats it Ariana. You don't want to be in this position but you are. And I know you, so I know you know who your heart belongs to you just don't want to hurt the other. And thats noble of you but you're breaking your own heart as well as theirs by dragging them along for so long. Just do what you got to do Ariana, don't waste any more time, its not fair»

«I know»

- Sean's POV -

As we approach Paris we can see the night coming over us and I wonder what this night will bring. Will it bring me pain and sorrow? Or will I win back my girl who I love so so much. Only time will tell who her heart belongs to, I just hope its me.

- Justin's POV -

I can feel the sweat creeping down my forehead. Im so nervous for whats to come I don't know how to handle myself. It's so unpredictable I just cant tell the outcome. It can go either way. I just hope that she realizes that I love her and she is the one for me.

- Ariana's POV -

Looking out over Paris from my closed off platform of the Eiffel tower I wait for them to arrive. I know they're coming here mom called me. Im nervous.

- Sean's POV -

On the cab ride over to Ariana's hotel both me and Justin are quiet, there is clearly a tension going on but who would blame us. Neither of us know how this night will turn out. Its all on edge.

We pay the taxi driver and quickly make our way up the flight of stairs towards Ari's hotel room. Knocking on the door it seems like it takes forever to open up. And when it finally does its not who I was expecting.

«Hi» Alexa says looking back and forth between us.

«Hi Alexa good to see you» I say with a smile and give her a hug. In the time me and Ari was together I spent a lot of time with Alexa so it's really nice to see her again. And even better I see this is making Justin feel weird cause he doesn't really know Alexa.

«I know you two are looking for Ariana. She isn't here. She is at the tower of love waiting for you. I don't know why but she is a hopeless romantic so yeah.» Alexa raises an eyebrow at us and says «go on, what are you guys waiting for, there is a lady waiting for you, go now» she let out a little laugh before closing the door.

- Ariana's POV -

The wind is blowing trough my hair as I stand here waiting. It feels like I've been standing here for hours when the elevator finally open behind me revealing Sean and Justin both looking as handsome as usual. The whole setting Is beautiful and we are so rounded by the city lights.

Both of them start walking fast towards me making my perfect picture get tense. They're both trying to reach me first they talk to me at the same time about something I cant make out, all I understand is the end. At the same time they both say «Ariana I love you»


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-Xoxo Christina

Don't let me go - sequel to "love me like you do" (ariana grande and big sean)Where stories live. Discover now