on the second night in paris I give him a fair chance

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So its once again been a wile since the last update and I again apologize. But as some of you may have picked up I am ill. And I'm only getting worse every day. Now really all I do is lay flat out in my bed, light off, curtains shut and watch youtube/Netflix. Thats all I do all day except for the times my mom makes me go with her to the mall, or I haft to go to traffic main corse thing that I'm almost done with. I actually hasn't been to school in about a week now. Once we got home from vacation I was one and a half day at school but after that I couldn't take it anymore. So now I really don't know whats going to happen.

So yeah thats really what my life has been like recently. If you don't like hearing about it I'm sorry for sharing but I do get asked a lot to share whats going on so I'm going to keep doing that.

- Ariana's POV -

There Is a knock on my hotel room door and I go to open it wile I take a couple deep breath. Im dressed almost identical to what I was last night just a dark blue dress instead.

Justin has a smirk across his face and pull me close to him and kiss my cheek. It doesn't really feel natural when I really think deep about it it feels forced from my side. This can be an interesting night if this is the way it's going to be, but I got to keep an open mind cause he is a good guy.


We get out of the car and Justin holds my hand leading me into the restaurant and a waiter show us to our table. This is a really like formal, stiff like restaurant. Its nice but not a place I would normally go to.

I look over the menu scanning it for something I like and settle on a vegan dish. When I put the menu down I see Justin is staring at me and I get a little self conscious «what? Is something wrong?» I ask uncomfortable.

«No no» he hold up his hands «nothing Is wrong. I was just admiring my view» a grin spreads across his face and I cant help but blush.

He clears his troth «so. How was last night? Im sure mr perfect had it all planned out» he says sarcastically.

I sigh «Justin, don't do that. This night isn't about him, so just forget about it okay?»

Its obvious its still weighing on his mind but he nods okay. Oh man, jealousy is not pretty.


We are back at the hotel and Justin holds my hand tight squishing my fingers. When we get to my door he turns me towards him in a spinning motion and presses me agaings the wall with his body but not hard enough to hurt me. His breath is all over my face «Ariana, I love you» he says before leaning in kissing me slowly but gradually picking up the pace. It's a nice kiss, I gotta admit that but the sparks aren't big enough to brag about to be honest.

The kiss is so long I just haft to pull away which make him worried «is something wrong?»

I smile «no nothing is wrong, I'm just tired. Goodnight Justin thanks for tonight, it was wonderful» I kiss his cheek before unlocking my door and looking it behind me. There is clearly something between us but is that something enough?


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Ask.fm: Christinaasland (link can be found in my bio at twitter)

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-Xoxo Christina

Don't let me go - sequel to "love me like you do" (ariana grande and big sean)Where stories live. Discover now