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AT STUDIO:(Before the party)

"Wow... Noona, Hyung you guys looking stunning "Taehyung said after they changed their dress and touched up their make-up and hair.

"Thank you Tae you look so hot, Jungkook not gonna leave your side for a minute " Sook teased him.

"Thank you Tae you look so hot, Jungkook not gonna leave your side for a minute " Sook teased him

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"It's getting late, let's go to the party" Taehyung said with a blush avoiding their stares.

"It's been more than a month since you started to date Jungkook, but still now you get shy whenever we tease you " Hyun Moo said with a smirk while following Taehyung to the car to go to the party.

After a few minutes, they reached VANTAE COMPANY, where the party was held.

"Wow,  your company looks more majestic seeing in real than in the monitor at the studio, " Hyun Moo said looking around.

"I want to see your company play area, the mini bar and the rest area also," Sook said to Taehyung.

"You can explore the company after the party is over Noona," Taehyung said entering the party hall with them.

"Feel free to enjoy guys... if you need anything ask me or Eunwoo Hyung,  I need to welcome all of them" Taehyung said apologetically.

"It's ok bear, we can ask you if we need anything you go" Sook replied.

After that, Taehyung left there asked Minho and Jason to take care of Hyun Moo and Sook.

Then Taehyung started to greet everyone as if they were either the company's CEO or his business partner, as he never had any friends apart from them.

"Hello, Mr.Wang... how are you? " Taehyung greeted him as he was his business partner.

"Congratulations on launching your own fashion brand Taehyung," Mr Wang said handing the flower bouquet to Taehyung.

"Thank you Mr Wang" Taehyung replied politely taking the bouquet.

"This is my son Jackson wang, he's going to take over my company soon, Jackson spends some time with Taehyung so you can get to know about him... I mean about how he handles the business " Mr Wang said introduced his son to Taehyung and left there leaving them alone to give privacy.

"It's nice to meet you Taehyung, "Jackson said giving his hands a shake.

"I love Jungkook so much, hope you understand what your father is trying to do" Taehyung said confidently after shaking his hands.

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