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Micas POV

Erica wakes up and goes into the bathroom. She was in there for quite a while and then I hear the bathwater running so I kind of figured she just wanted to take a bath. I start messaging my beta to see where he was and what he did with that scumbag. He said he was dealt with, and we don't need to worry about him anymore, which was exactly what I wanted to. I chuckled to myself because I hear her going through my stuff bathroom. Girls are so nosy. I'm guessing she finds what she needs because she stops. I hear her crying a little bit, but I know I should leave her alone. I lay back down and then I smell something weird. "BLOOD"
Trigger warning
I go to the bathroom door and I ask if she's OK she's not answering. I try to open the door but it's locked. I'm starting to get worried because I smell more and more blood. Finally I decided to just break the door down. What I see is a gruesome scene. The bathwater is completely filled with blood, and she is so pale with cuts all up and down her arms still breathing still trying to cut so I quickly take the razor blade from her. She starts crying and saying she wants to die please let me die. She continues the while. I pull her out of the bathwater. I grab a towel and quickly wrap it around her and I start cleaning her wounds. She lost a lot of blood but not enough for her to die or get sick. Just sleepy. I am so thankful. Why would she do this?

My beta gets back and sees that she is fast asleep   on the bed again and he smells blood. He asked what happened and I explained I asked about her family and he says they left without even looking for her, which is crazy. Could a family leave without their child . I'm honestly kind of glad they left without putting up a fight. I'm never letting her go back there again.

She still wasn't awake, but she was alive and breathing. It was time for us to go back to the pack. I was excited to tell my family I found my mate our luna. On our way out, I did speak to the hotel owners since we are very close friends with them about what happened kind of and about the doors I broke and that we would pay for them. And then we left for the 5 Hour Drive back home. I sit in the backseat with Erica while my beta drives I was too worried to leave her in the back alone .

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