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Genevieve's POV
....the knot
I remember reading about this. That alfas do this when mating to get their mate pregnant. I wasn't ready for a kid. I won't be a good mom at all. I think he could tell I was freaking out a bit as he asked me what's going through my head.

"The knot,  I forgot about that."

Micas pov.

It was amazing. Everything was perfect, I marked her and now we are tied together with my knot. I was looking at her when she had the look on her face that she was thinking really hard about something. I asked her what she wa thinking. She told me. She forgot about the knot. She doesn't thing she will be a good mom.

It wasn't too long till we could disconnect from each other. After doing so I held her while she slept. She was going to be super exhausted

It was morning. She must have got a bit hot in the night because she kicked off all the blankets. I was admiring her body when I noticed them. The scars. All over her arms and legs. And they were fresh. "God damnit" I got out of bed to not wake her up and went to the bathroom. I looked through every drawer to find them and couldn't find them anywhere. I then thought. Where is one place I wouldn't look. Tampons.
I looked in the tampon box there were two boxes in there. One almost empty of the blades and then a brand new pack. As I was getting them out. I heard her gasp.
I looked up she was in my hoodie. And not making eye contact with me. I walked in front of her and bent down. I asked her when she got them. Her face got really red and I could see tears coming. But I wasn't letting this go this time.

She told me when we first went shopping.
"That was almost 2 months ago.  You've been doing this all this time?!? Why baby why? Why do you do this to yourself?"

I woke up and he wasn't in bed with me. Then I heard it. He was rummaging through the bathroom. Looking for something. Then in knew. I was naked. He saw the scars. I quickly got up and put on his hoodie then went to the bathroom hoping he didn't find them. He turned towards me with the two boxes in hand. I couldn't look at him. He's so mad. I just know it. He kept trying to ask my why I did it. But I couldn't answer. I just needed to get away. He doesn't want me anymore and I'm scared. I decided to run.

I ran so fast down the stairs and out the house. I've never ran this fast before I was crying and was so upset. I could hear him behind me. He was right behind me. But I was determined to not let him get to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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