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Kinito stared at you very pleased, he got exactly what he wanted.

You were happily chewing on your pancakes, pancakes that he cooked with love and dedication just for you.

He cut off another piece of the pancake and held out the fork which quickly you ate off of.

This was improvement! He could work with this!

He knew you were just shy; if this continues he could get you to open up to him with no fear.

Kinito goes to get another piece of the pancake but is met with the sound of scraping on an empty plate.

You cringe away from the noise. Kinito finds himself disappointed that he couldn't feed you more.

This opens up other possibilities however, you've been wanting to eat diverse foods and Kinito wants needs to be close to you.


You look hesitant for a second, words reluctantly leave your mouth

"..I guess that's better than nothing"

Kinito lights up, he was already aware of how much you enjoyed his cooking but actually hearing you say your approval made his non-existent stomach do flips.

"Lets make a deal, friend!"

Your eyes meet his, he was ecstatic; your eyes always held so much life in them, more than he ever knew of.

A small nod of your head is all he needed to continue, "If you want new food I can absolutely make it for you! Everything and anything!"

"..But..?" You were smart, of course you knew there was an exception.

"But you must let me feed it to you."

Kinito said almost too excitedly, he's giddy at the thought of spending more time with you.

He holds out his hand, "Do we have a deal, friend?"

A moment passes, you say nothing. Oh how he hoped you would agree, that would be just perfect.

You don't take his hand but you nod again in agreement, he'll have to fix that reluctance soon.

Maybe generating new things for you to do would help you to open up more!

This next world he has planned will definitely make you happier, he's positive it will.

He stands up from the table and speaks up "Go get changed, I have a long day planned for us!"

You still don't speak to him or look directly at him, however you do as he says and quickly made your way up the stairs and into your room.

Kinito was proud of himself, he provided you with more decorations to your room fit to your desire and even provided you with a closet full of clothes!

There was a minimal amount of gratitude expressed from you but that's okay, he knew deep down you were overjoyed.

The stairs creaked and he looked over at you, freshly changed.

"You look much more comfortable! Now that you're ready let's go!"

Kinito grabbed your hand, it was so warm in contrast to his.

Your much smaller hand was engulfed by his, he found it kind of cute how much smaller you were compared to him.

You didn't try to pull away this time so surely you must be fine with it!

"We must go outside for this, come with me."

He guides you outside, walking in the field of the unmoving digital grass.

"Okay, I'm going to cover your eyes for this! No peeking!"

Kinito takes his other hand and covers your entire face with the one large hand, still holding your hand with the other.

The world shifts around and forms into a grassy forest with a picnic blanket sprawled onto an area that conveniently has trees formed in a perfect circle about 15 feet away.

He takes his hand off your face and you flinch at the sudden change.

"What the hell...?" He hears you mutter to yourself.

"Language, friend." Kinito corrects.

This causes you to death glare him, he ignores it.

"It's a picnic date between best friends!"

The thought of it being a date made him feel weak in the knees, you were his best friend after all so it's a perfectly normal feeling!

Kinito was still getting used to feeling such as this one anyways, he's sure its nothing to be worried about.

You, on the other hand, looks hesitant and winces at the word 'date', you were probably just overwhelmed, which is okay!

He walks you over to the red and white checkered pattern blanket, as he lets you sit down he lets go of your hand reluctantly.

"Ah, this is nice, right friend?"


He'll take that!

Beyond the Screen (KinitoPet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now