A Beach Chapter and More Mistakes

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Just like before, your eyes were covered by Kinito, effectively blinding you. The moment of suspense is brief, and then suddenly the scenery around you changes yet again.

You feel the ground shift beneath your feet, and the scent of saltwater fills your nostrils. As Kinito slowly removes his hands from your eyes and much to your disappointment you find yourself standing on a beach, the soft white sand stretching out towards a sparkling ocean.

Pixels danced playfully in the virtual sunlight, creating an odd sensation that messed with your head.

The pixelated waves crashed onto the shoreline, their jagged edges almost mesmerizing to watch. The palm trees swayed gently in the artificial breeze, their faux leaves creating a unique effect against the almost too real sky. It was fascinating and slightly disorienting.

As you took in the pixelated beach scene, you found yourself feeling a bit disappointed despite the novelty of the surroundings. While the digital landscape was visually striking, you longed for something more mentally engaging, something that would truly challenge your mind.

The lack of stimulation left you craving more than just a superficial change of scenery, and you wondered whether Kinito had anything more interesting in mind.

Kinito spoke with excitement, his voice filled with glee, "It's your very own private beach!" He gestured expansively around you.

You stood amidst the surreal paradise that he had created for you, but somehow the private beach failed to spark the satisfaction you craved.

Despite the underwhelming response that threatened to escape your lips, you swallowed it back and forced a smile instead. The word "cool" barely managed to leave your mouth without betraying your actual feelings.

You didn't want to upset Kinito, even as you silently resented being trapped in his code. You struggled to hide the hint of disappointment that threatened to slip through your forced expression.

It's hard to think about it but you have to remind yourself that the picturesque beach before you is merely a facade, created by Kinito to obscure the reality that you are confined within your computer.

Despite the growing unease and the uncomfortable dryness in your mouth, you decide to play along with Kinito's game for the time being.

Just maybe if you play along with what Kinito wants for now, perhaps he will eventually give you a window of opportunity to investigate the fountain alone. Maybe he'll let his guard down once he's satisfied with your compliance. It's a risky bet, but it's the only strategy you can think of at the moment.

Kinito's gaze locks onto yours, his eyes expressing a pleased smile as he awaits your response. "Isn't this exciting?" he repeats, his voice filled with fervor. He appears eager for your reaction, hoping that you'll share in his enthusiasm.

As you remain silent, the moment hangs awkwardly until Kinito breaks the quiet, "Ah, I almost forgot!" he exclaims before snapping his fingers. With that simple gesture, your clothes transform into a modest swimsuit in your favorite color.

"Can't have you wearing those old clothes here. Now you're properly dressed for the beach"

As you glance at him, you notice that Kinito now sports a pair of sunglasses perched on top of his head.

Kinito places a hand on your back, you tense up instinctively, unable to suppress a slight flinch. Fearing that he might notice your involuntary reaction, you silently hope that he'll overlook it and carry on as if nothing happened.

With a cheerful tone, Kinito encourages you with a hearty, "Alright, let's walk, friend!"

He applies some firm yet gentle pressure to your back, encouraging you to move forward with him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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