The Dream

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Omniscient POV:

Fantasia and Taraji sat at their favorite lunch spot, a cozy bistro in the heart of Los Angeles. They had been friends for years, supporting each other through the ups and downs of their careers in the entertainment industry. As they perused the menus, their conversation flowed easily, like a well-rehearsed duet.

Their waiter, a friendly young man with a charming smile, approached their table. "Good afternoon, ladies! Can I start you off with something to drink?"

Fantasia ordered her usual iced tea, while Taraji opted for a glass of Pinot grigio. As they waited for their drinks to arrive, they chatted about their latest projects and personal news.

"How's Zion doing?" Taraji asked, referring to Fantasia's daughter.

"She's growing up so fast, T!" Fantasia replied, beaming with pride. "She's into dance and music now, just like her mama. I'm so grateful to have her in my life. And how's Marcell doing? I'm sure he's keeping you busy!"

Taraji smiled, nodding in understanding. "He's a handful, but I love him to pieces. You know, we should let our kids go on a beach date soon. Zion and Marcell would have so much fun together!"

Fantasia laughed. "That's a great idea, T! We should totally make that happen. Maybe we can even join them for a mom's day out and make it a fun little getaway."

Their drinks arrived, and as they sipped their beverages, Fantasia shared her exciting news. "Girl, I have some news to share... I just got a call from my agent, and I'm being considered for a role in the movie adaptation of The Color Purple!"

Taraji's eyes widened in surprise. "That's amazing, Fanny! Congratulations! Which role are you up for?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm hoping for Celie. I think I could bring a lot of depth to that character," Fantasia replied, her passion for the project evident in her voice.

Just then, Taraji's phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen, and her eyes lit up. "Speak of the devil! That's my agent. I bet this is about The Color Purple, too!"

Fantasia's eyes locked onto Taraji's, and they both smiled knowingly. This was going to be a project that would bring them even closer together.

"Answer it!" Fantasia urged, her voice full of enthusiasm.

Taraji picked up the phone and answered, listening for a moment before squealing with delight. "I got it, Fanny! I'm going to be playing Shug Avery!"

Fantasia screamed with excitement, drawing attention from the other diners in the restaurant. "We're going to be in this together, T! Can you believe it?"

Taraji grinned, her eyes shining with happiness. "We're going to kill this, Fanny. Together, we're unstoppable!"

As they continued their lunch date, discussing everything from their characters' backstories to their favorite scenes in the book, their excitement and anticipation for the project grew. They were in this together, and they knew that their friendship would make their performances all the more special.

"We're going to have so much fun on set, T," Fantasia said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "And who knows, maybe we'll even get to sing a duet together!"

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