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boys don't cry

"girl, your hair looks fucking amazing, by the way

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"girl, your hair looks fucking amazing, by the way." natasha spoke as she helped her best friend hang up the sliver tassels over the doors. "thank you. laura insisted she did it just because she's wearing braids and she wanted to flat iron her hair but she just did mines instead? i still dont know why she did it. but it's fitting for the dance." leila was back in the spirit when it came getting ready for the dance. "well she did a great job. it suits you." natasha smiled as leila stepped down from the ladder.

"so, are rowan and ams like official?" natasha questioned which gained leila's attention. she turned back to see rowan and amerie laughing and being touchy. "i guess so. that's kinda crazy." leila smiled at the two. "how so?" natasha furrowed her eyebrows. "because rowan was just with malakai not too long ago. i wonder how much he knows about malakai and amerie." leila said as she dusted off her hands and started heading towards the door. "i hope not a lot cause that would be messy. but where the hell are you going? we still have some things to hang up." natasha spoke. at first she was only decorating because she wanted to ditch class, but then she got into it and was determined to finish the decorating.

"the bathroom." leila held her hands up in defense. "oh...alright. be back soon, we're so close to being done with our part." natasha said as she admired the room; it looked amazing. "yeah, i will." leila nodded as she exited the room.

her mind had been running all over the place.

the dance was tomorrow night, so was her flight, just a couple hours before the dance ended. she was extremely nervous about getting ready for the dance and for the flight. everything seemed overwhelming and she still hadn't told spider anything about it. she was afraid to even speak to him after yesterday.

the almost-kiss was all bad timing because the night before he had been telling her about how he fucked things up with missy then the next day he tried kissing her? she couldn't help but feel like the second choice even though he told her that she wasn't.

either way, leila also felt like she had been self sabotaging herself.

as she entered the bathroom she stood in the mirror, looking at her hair that had only been done the night before. she felt different, a good different. but it's like her brain didn't want her feeling any type of good. because the she quickly remembered how she had been avoiding spider, texting him only short sentences.

shaking her head in disappointment she entered the stall and started doing her business.

natasha on the other hand had been going through the boxes to see if she had anything else to do before leila could come back.

"natasha." the girl looked back to see spider heading her way. "am i tripping or are you talking to me?" natasha asked. "i'm talking to you. is lei here?" he asked her and she nodded. "she went to the bathroom. why? is everything okay?" natasha asked and he nodded. "yeah, it's fine..totally." spider nodded and natasha nodded. "okay good." she turned back to dig in the box for more tape. but his figure still remained behind her so she turned around slowly in confusion.

𝚂𝙾 𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙽,        𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙷𝙸𝚃𝙴Where stories live. Discover now