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Genevieve POV

I woke up alone in the bed. I was kind of happy, but I was also kind of sad that he wasn't there. I did smell something really good cooking so I decided it's probably time for me to get up and get ready. After getting up I just remembered I have none of my clothes other than what I wore yesterday. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I wear something of his. Not that they will fit. I went into the giant closet first I went through the drawers, and I found the smallest of underwear I could find which weren't small so I decided not to get those and just keep using the pair I have. I think I found some clothes so I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. Then went to the bathroom to take a shower. I went to the drawer with the razor blades were and noticed that they were gone so he definitely knew what I was trying to do last night and moved them. Which was pretty smart.
I started to get dressed and noticed how big his clothes were on me . Luckily, the pants were sweatpants, and I was able to fold up the legs and tie the waist really tight I looked at myself in the mirror. I definitely looked horrible. There was a giant bruise on my face from when my dad hit me and much to my surprise I had a few hickeys too. I was so embarrassed luckily the shirt covered them. After using the spare toothbrush, I found I decided to make my way downstairs

Mica was in the kitchen Cooking. From everything on the table, it looked like he was cooking for army basically. He didn't notice I walked in at first he turned around. I asked him was anybody else coming for breakfast? He said no that really surprised me. How were we supposed to eat all this food? There was a little bit of everything, but my all-time favorite was strawberries. I went to the table and pulled the plate of strawberries in front of me. I ate probably 15 strawberries before my stomach started hurting. I knew I overdid it, but I love strawberries. My family never bought these

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