Chapter Two

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I jolted awake by the sound of what seemed like a million kettles whistling at once. Disoriented and feeling the weightlessness on my lap, I immediately jumped out of the seat. My brain was still foggy and my limbs were exceptionally weak, but I managed my way down the ladder and noticed the hull was open.

Slowly blinking to adjust my eyes to the daylight, I saw the creature floating around in a little bed not but a foot from the Mandalorian. I let out the breath I was holding. That tiny, sweet thing was going to be the death of me.

We had landed in the middle of nowhere or, to be more accurate, the middle of a forest. The planet bore a striking resemblance to Othas, but it was much calmer. The silence was almost eerie.

It was impressive how the bounty hunter had managed to land us in the perfect clearing, though I'd never let him know that.

"Good morning little guy!" I wandered over to the floating cradle, where the child greeted me with a groggy smile. I noticed the Mandalorian was looking at me and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with him, or at least that's what I told myself. "I wasn't saying good morning to you, I wouldn't call you little guy." I hoped I said it with enough bite that it didn't sound like an innuendo or worse, that I was being amicable.

However it sounded, he clearly didn't care as he went back to working on whatever was creating the loud hissing noise. Shaking my head, I refocused my attention on the child. "How are you this morning, my little ray of sunshine? You are just the cutest thing and you deserve the whole entire world," I felt like someone was staring at me and I realized my voice had gone up multiple octaves to hit that embarrassing baby-talk voice I seldom used. Slowly, I turned my head to confirm my suspicion that the Mandalorian was staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Can you hand me the duratape?"

"Oh, I wasn't genuinely asking." I grabbed the being out of the cradle and sat down on the grass. "We don't help kidnappers do we?" I booped the baby on his nub of a nose and he cooed in response.

I watched the child waddle over to the Mandalorian's tool box, grab a wrench and bring it back to me. "Is this for me? Aren't you just the sweetest! I love it!" He smiled softly at me and walked back to the toolbox, one by one bringing me another tool until there was an alarming amount of tools and gadgets I didn't understand in a pile in front of me.

The child was going back for another object when the Mandalorian grabbed him and set him in the cradle. Immediately, the child let out a whine and I felt compelled to give into whatever he wanted, especially knowing it was the Mandalorian's fault he was crying.
"Aw, come here. I won't let the bad man make you upset." I gently lifted him into my arms and held him, while shooting a glaring look at our kidnapper.

"He's not going to learn if you do that," the Mandalorian sounded annoyed.

"What's he supposed to be learning?" I snipped. "He's miserable and cooped up when clearly all he wants is to have some fun. He doesn't have any toys, what do you expect him to do?" I sneered at him.

"Then we'll get him something. He can't be going through my tools." His helmet was still facing the direction of the leak, never once glancing at me, which only made me more angry.

"If we could just go back to my house I have credits and I can pack a bag and I'll be less of a burden. Or, even better, I pay you for him and I can live the rest of my life without ever having to deal with you again." Naturally, there was no response.

After what felt like an hour (which was realistically only four minutes), I got off the grass with the child and walked back onto the ship. If he was going to waste my time, then I'd waste his supplies. "Alright little guy, do you know where he keeps his food?" Setting him down, I followed the child's lead. He stopped directly in front of a wall of weapons I somehow missed the day before. Some part of me felt like I should've been more terrified at the sight of deadly machinery before me, yet I wasn't. The fact I trusted a bounty-hunting, Mandalorian with them more than I trusted myself probably said more about me than it did about him.

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