Chapter 10

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         "Wha da ell?!?!" the voice was definitely male. It also sounded really nasally from my head colliding with his nose. I couldn't help but feel a shot of satisfaction. 

          "I mean, 'What the hell?!?!?'" Aw, looks like he finally got himself together enough to speak properly.

         "Well, mister, don't go looming over people like you're some kind of serial killer," My voice was  getting higher and higher as the conversation went on. "Also, I really wouldn't mind if you stepped back a little bit so I can see your face and judge whether I should cuss you out, or if I should let you be concerned over me."

         "Are you always this infuriating?" he asked, taking on a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

        "Actually, usually more," I admitted. But, he did what I asked. 

         Holy zebra fish.  This guy was a god. With his dark, chocolatey hair, eyes the color of the sky, square jawline that had just a little bit of stubble on it, and tanned skin, I could have stared at him all day long. I snuck a glance at his body, too. It was gorgeous, like the rest of him. He had toned arms and a muscular chest, but not too muscular. Also, his tight v-neck hugged his chest in all the right places and made me want to sit there for all eternity, just staring. Suddenly thoughts of grabbing him and kissing him overwhelmed me.

         He was looking at me, obviously waiting for an answer I didn't have.

        "Hello?" he says this with a look of, 'what the heck is wrong with you?'. Oh, great. Now he thinks I'm an idiot who has a speech impediment.

         I said something intelligent, like, "Ummmmm... ummmmm... sure."   

        Now he just looked exasperated. "I said, 'Have you decided?'"

        "What? No! Well, I don't know, but I mean, isn't that moving a little too fast?" Pretty stupid of me, but I thought he was asking if I had decided if I wanted to be kissed.

         "What? I was talking about you deciding if you wanted to cuss me out or if I am allowed to be concerned over you," He cocks his head to the side as if studying me and smiles. "You know, when I first meet girls, this is not usually the initial reaction I get," Of course not. He is literally the hottest person I have ever seen. "Now, usually I don't get knocked in the face and screamed at, but I must say, it's a nice change in pace."

           He winks at me, and I practically melted into a mermaid puddle. "Well, it's not every day I fall on my butt and see a hotti- I mean, a guy standing over me." I tried to go for non-chalant and snarky, but it comes out weak.

           "Well, I'll see you around...." he silently asks.

           "Marcia. I'm Marcia."

           "Okay. See ya, Marcia." With that, he turns and saunters away.

          "Wait!" I call after him. "I didn't get your name!" He turns for a split second and winks. 


       After that, there was no way I would be able to concentrate on school. Four times I got in trouble. FOUR. Everytime it was for sitting there, "staring off into space".

        Cam would laugh her ass off if she saw me like this.

         Finally, the school day is over. I bolt out of there like a whole pack of sharks is chasing me. As I get out to the parking lot, I realize that I don't have a car.


        Well, I'm sure Maria won't mind if I just take her car. Or not. But at this point I'm too tired to even care. I run to her car, and in true Maria fashion, has left the keys on the car. I jump in, and in minutes I'm back to the house, after nearly running over a bycicle rider, a jogger, and a dog.

        I burst into the kitchen and immediately see that I've interrupted something important.

         Tia sits by the kitchen table, with her hands folded over her eyes, while an obnoxious-looking man sorts through papers with an exaggerated frown.

          Tia looks up as I come in, and as I've come to know, she puts on a brave face for me.

          "Oh, hello, chicitita. We were just going through our financial papers. This is Mr. Mansuela, my accountant." At this Mr. Mansuela looks up and frowns once more, showing deep creases around his eyes and mouth. "Ahem. I am more than capable of saying my own name. Also, Mrs. Bayer, I shouldn't have to tell you to focus on the task at hand. As it is, you're facing foreclosure in a matter of months."

       "What? Tia, really? You can't get foreclosed on!" I screech.

       "Please keep your voice down, Ms. Bayer. And, for the record, she can and she will, if she doesn't pay-" he breaks off to scan a couple of papers. "44,985 Brazilian real, or 20,000 US dollars."

      After Mansuela had left, Tia pulled me into her arms. Which was quite a feat, I must say, since I'm nearly 5'11" and just getting taller.

      "Ay, I'm sorry, Marcia. I meant to tell you sooner, but you had just gotten here, and I felt bad making you worry so soon." Tia explains.

     "No, it's okay," I tell her. "We're gonna pay them. I just got here, and I already love this house. When do they need the money by?" I twist around to look Tia in the eye.

     "Well, sweetheart, they need it in four months." She deadpans.

      "Okay, well, they'll get it in two months." I resolve.

    "Are you sure, sweetie? I could take care of it."

    "No, no. It's cool." I say absentmindedly.

        After that, the days kind of melt into each other, me thinking of money making ideas, Maria being a complete and absolute bitch, and Gabbi and Lil fighting, and Ophelia just ignoring everything. Pretty soon a week goes by and I still have no fucking idea what I'm going to do about the money situation.  And, Lucas willl not get his fine self out of my brain. All I think of lately is Lucas's face, his eyes, and stuff like that. I swear, my life could not get any more cliche. At least I have Saturday to calm myself down. 

       I enter Rio Sul, thte city's largest shopping mall, and I am very impressed. I am so done with sharing pants with Maria. I squeal like a little mergirl and run to the nearest Junior's store, American Eagle. Even though I originate from the ocean, I'm no stranger to shopping. Although in the sea, we usually only shop for tanks, blouses and bikini tops. I skim through the racks, totally pleased with all the clothes in the store. Tia took Lil and Gabbs to some other younger stores, while Maria, Ophi and I shop it up.

        After four hours, spending 1,500 Real, which converts into 650 dollars, which came from my mother, who had given us a pouch full a perfect pearls to cover our expenses, I feel like a new girl. Please, I still have no idea what to do about Lucas and my boderline- crazy attraction to him, but I feel like maybe we could have a car wash or bake sale, or something equally cliche and cheesy. See? I've been doing my land-homework, which mostly includes watching teenage comedies and romance movies.

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