Chapter 9

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As I walk into the plain brick building, only decorated outside with some drooping plants and a statue of some poor shmuck, I am truly blown away by the amount of crazy, idiotic, hormone-driven kids in one high school. For those of you who haven't yet gone to high school yet, run while you can.

Anyway, Tia Claudia made Maria drive us to school. She was so mad that she purposely spilled orange juice on my new jean shorts, which I got so mad about that I threw my toast with jelly on it at her. It landed on her with a satifying smack. And since that fateful moment, we've been silent. 

I glance at my schedule, which has a lot of subjects on it that I don't understand at all. As I stand there, I notice a bunch of tall, rowdy boys coming my way. As they walk past me, one of them smacks my butt and whistles. I'm so insulted and so not in the mood to deal with this that I grab his hand and sprain it. I know that may sound like much, but the sprain will only last a couple of days. After that, I go back to my schedule.

        Suddenly, as I'm puzzling where in the world room 145 is, a girl my age snatches my schedule out of my hands. As she looks it over, I stare at this new stranger. She has light blond hair the color of sunshine, that has bright blue highlights that match perfectly with her ocean blue eyes. She has porcelain skin and a curve to her neck that makes her look sort of like a swan. 

"Hey, that's-" I try to tell her. 

"Yeah, I know. It's yours." she hands it back to me. "I'm Camila. The principle wanted me to guide you around. So, hey. And, may I say, damn, girl. I say what you did. Nice."

"Oh, thanks." I say, relieved that someone will help me and I might be friends with her, too. "Hey. I'm Marcia. I just got here." 

"Yeah. I know. Your whole look screams, 'This is my first time in Rio and I don't know how girls here dress'. But, you know, not in a bad way." she says kindly. "So. I heard you're living with Maria, A.K.A. La Puta Que No Tiene Amigas." 

I'm so glad that I have someone to whine to that I tell her everything. And I end with,"And this morning she was being so mean to me I wanted to pull out her weave." Camila looks shocked. "She has a weave?" 

I giggle mischieviously. "Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that she's faker than a octopus trying to diguise itself." Camila smiles and me and we both start giggling tremendously. "Ya know, you're not half bad." Camila tells me while wiping tears from her eyes. 

"Come on. You and I have the same schedule. We have history first hour. With Mr. Boredom."  

"What? That's not his real name. Right?" 

"Naw, his real name is Mr. Snarfom. But he's so boring that-oh, well, you get it." She tossed her hair and started walking down the hall. When she saw I wasn't following,, she frowned. "Come on, Chica, we're gonna be late." And with that, I started rushing down the hall, trying to keep up.

Well, Camila wasn't lying. Mr. Snarfom was extremely boring, and so was our science teacher, and our Pre-Calulus teacher. By lunch my brain was fried and I was fighting a battle with my hungry stomach that I couldn't win. I plopped down my tray across Camila, and just after this I noticed that I had just set my tray next to a really cute guy. He had light brown hair, and piercing green eyes. 

"Hey. You must be Marcia. I'm Daniel." He looked at me expectantly while I continued to gawk. 

"My God, Marcia. Just make out wth him already." Camila snorted. I gave her a death glare and turned back to David. "Hey. I'm Marcia. I just moved here. So, are you and Camila together?" I asked innocently. What they don't know is that I'm praying to every deity I know that they're not.  

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